From: Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans <>
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]
Decidability, and especially complexity and tractability of logical
theories is extremely important for a large number of applications.
Although general logical formalisms are undecidable, decidable theories
The goal of CEDAR is to bring together researchers interested in problems
at the interface between automated reasoning and computational complexity,
in particular in:
identifying (fragments of) logical theories which are decidable,
resp. have low complexity, and analyzing possibilities of obtaining
optimal complexity results with uniform tools;
analyzing decidability in combinations of theories and
possibilities of combining decision procedures;
efficient implementations for decidable fragments;
Topics of interest for CEDAR 2008 include (but are not restricted to):
decision procedures based on logical calculi such as:
resolution, rewriting, tableaux, sequent calculi, or natural deduction
decidability in combinations of logical theories
Application domains for which complexity issues are essential
(verification, security, databases, ontologies, ...)
The goal of CEDAR is to bring together researchers interested in exploring
the topics above, both at a theoretical level and motivated by applications,
and to enhance the interaction between automated reasoning and computational
complexity through invited and contributed talks.
Submission and selection procedure:
We plan to accept three types of papers:
Original papers (up to 15 pages, LNCS style, including bibliography);
should describe original research and contain sufficient detail to
assess the merits and relevance of the contribution.
Work in progress (up to 6 pages, LNCS style, without bibliography).
Presentation-only papers (please submit an abstract of up to 3 pages,
LNCS style + a link to the already published paper): may describe work
previously published. The abstracts of accepted presentation-only papers
will appear in the informal proceedings to be distributed at the workshop
(full papers in this category will not be inserted in the proceedings).
Given the informal style of the workshop, the submission of papers
presenting student's work and work in progress is encouraged. The purpose
of the presentation-only papers is to allow researchers to communicate
good ideas that the attendees may not be aware of.
Submission of papers is via Easychair
The final versions of the selected contributions will be collected in
a volume to be distributed at the workshop. These informal proceedings
will also be made accessible on the web.
Important Dates
Invited speaker
Program and Workshop Chairs
Program Committee
For further informations please send an e-mail to
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (sofronie [at]
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC