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Topic: [isabelle] CFP: AFM 2006 Workshop on Automated Formal Met...

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From: Natarajan Shankar <>
Automated Formal Methods 2006 (AFM 2006)
August 21, 2006, Seattle, USA
(Affiliated workshop of IJCAR 2006/FLoC 2006)
June 5, 2006: Paper submissions
July 10, 24, 2006: Acceptance notification
July 21, 2006: Camera-ready copy due
August 21, 2006: AFM 2006, Seattle, USA
SCOPE: The workshop is centered around, but not exclusive to, the SRI
suite of tools (PVS, ICS, and SAL), and experiments involving the
application, integration, and extension of these tools. We welcome
submissions related to any pragmatic aspect of automated tools for formal
methods covering languages, methodology, interfaces, integration, and
experiments, including work in progress and comparisons with related
systems. Topics of interest include

- Language embeddings
- Decision procedures
- Model checking (symbolic, explicit-state, bounded, timed, and hybrid)
- Extended type systems, type checking, and static analysis
- Interactive proof checking
- Code generation and test generation from specifications
- Combinations of the above techniques
- Applications, including novel uses of formal methods technologies
- Experimental evaluations and system comparisons
- Benchmark suites

The workshop will include a tutorial on the recent developments in PVS,
ICS, and SAL, as well as invited and contributed talks. PVS is a
general-purpose verification system based on higher-order logic with an
interactive theorem prover integrating decision procedures, rewriting, and
model checking. ICS is a family of ground decision procedures for
satisfiability modulo theories. SAL is a framework for specifying and
verifying transition systems using a combination of static analysis, model
checking, and theorem proving tools. More information about these tools
is available at

AFM 2006 will be part of IJCAR 2006 ( and the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC '06;
to be held in Seattle during August 10--22, 2006.
SUBMISSIONS: Submitted papers should be in PDF form and can
be at most 12 pages long in the LNCS format. They must be original and not
submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions are to be uploaded at The proceedings will be published
informally and made available in electronic form. Authors are strongly
encouraged to make available any relevant machine proofs or software
(including proof strategies) needed to verify the results in their
John Rushby (SRI International, rushby at csl . sri . com)
Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, shankar at csl . sri . com)
Myla Archer (NRL)
Geoffrey Brown (Indiana)
Chris George (UNU-IIST)
Mike Gordon (Cambridge)
Mats Heimdahl (Minnesota)
Wim Hesselink (Groningen)
Jerry James (Utah State)
Mark Lawford (McMaster)
Pete Manolios (Georgia Tech)
Cesar Munoz (NIA)
Hendrik Tews (Dresden)
R. Venkatesh (TRDDC)

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC