From: David Aspinall <>
[Dear Isabelle users, I hope some of you may be interested in this
workshop, papers applying Isabelle to prototyping or formalising PCC
frameworks would certainly be relevant - David.]
PCC 2008: Second International Workshop on Proof-Carrying Code
Carnegie Mellon University, 22 June 2008
Submissions: 25 April 2008
PCC 2008 is a LICS and CSF affiliated workshop on Proof-Carrying Code.
Proof-carrying code is an important and distinctive approach to
enhancing trust in programs. It provides a practical framework for
independent assurance of program behaviour; especially where source code
is not available, or the code author and user are unknown to each other.
The workshop will address theoretical foundations of proof-carrying code
as well as practical examples and work on alternative application
domains. Here "proof" is construed broadly, to include not just
mathematical derivations but any formal evidence that supports the
static analysis of programs. That is, evidence about an intrinsic
property of code and its behaviour that can be independently checked by
any user, intermediary, or third party. These manifest guarantees mean
that PCC raises trust in the code itself, distinct from and
complementary to any existing trust in the creator of the code, the
process used to produce it, or its distributor.
Topics include:
* PCC addressing properties of safety, security, and correctness
such as: Memory safety, information flow, declassification,
resource management, access control, protocol enforcement,
functional correctness.
* Examples of PCC in application domains, including but not limited
to: Mobile code, mobile devices, operating systems, grid
computing, peer-to-peer computing, active networks, embedded
systems, cloud computing, databases, e-Science.
* Probabilistically-checkable proofs, zero-knowledge proofs,
* Trust and policy frameworks; supporting modular and extensible
systems; compositionality in code and proofs.
* Certifying compilation, proof-transforming compilation, certified
* Logics and notions of certificate specific to proof-carrying
PCC 2008 follows on from the successful 2006 workshop in Seattle
* Thomas Jensen, IRISA Rennes / CNRS
* Zhong Shao, Yale University
* Abstract submission: 18 April 2008
* Paper submission: 25 April 2008
* Author notification: 23 May 2008
* Final versions: 7 June 2008
* Workshop: 22 June 2008
Papers should be in the form of a PDF file using the ENTCS style
( and must not exceed 15 pages. Submission is via
the EasyChair system.
All submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee. There will
be an informal proceedings distributed at the workshop, with final
proceedings to appear as a volume of ENTCS.
* David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh (co-chair)
* Gilles Barthe, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis / IMDEA Software, Madrid
* Nick Benton, Microsoft Research Cambridge
* Adriana Compagnoni, Stevens Institute of Technology
* Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University
* Ewen Denney, NASA Ames
* Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, LMU Munich
* George Necula, UC Berkeley / Rinera Networks
* Ian Stark, University of Edinburgh (co-chair)
* Stephanie Weirich, University of Pennsylvania
David Aspinall and Ian Stark
School of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh
Contact email:
LICS 2008: Twenty-Third Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
CSF: 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium
Mobius: Mobility, Ubiquity, Security Enabling proof-carrying code for
Java on mobile devices
European integrated project IST-015905
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC