From: "Munoz, Cesar Augusto (LARC-D320)" <>
International Workshop on Strategies in Rewriting, Proving, and Programming
IWS 2010
(A satellite workshop of FLoC 2010)
July 9 2010, Edinburgh, UK
Abstract submission: March 26, 2010
Notification date: April 11, 2010
Abstract final version: April 25, 2010
Workshop: July 9, 2010
Submission of full paper for the proceedings: September 5, 2010
Strategies are ubiquitous in programming languages, automated
deduction and reasoning systems, yet only since about ten years have
they been studied in their own right. In the two communities of
Rewriting and Programming on one side, and of Deduction and Proof
engines (Provers, Assistants, Solvers) on the other side, workshops
have been launched to make progress towards a deeper understanding of
the nature of strategies, their descriptions, their properties, and
their usage, in all kinds of computing and reasoning systems. Since
more recently, strategies are also playing an important role in
rewrite-based programming languages, verification tools and techniques
like SAT/SMT engines or termination provers. Moreover strategies have
come to be viewed more generally as expressing complex designs for
control in computing, modeling, proof search, program transformation,
and access control.
Possible topics to address in this workshop include:
Foundations for the definition and semantic description of strategies:
models of search spaces, logical or mathematical formalisms
to define strategies and prove properties about them.
Properties of strategies and corresponding computations:
logical or mathematical formalisms to prove properties about them.
Analysis and optimization techniques for strategies:
analysis of the search space, evaluation and comparison of strategies.
Integration of strategic deductions and/or strategic computations:
interrelations, combinations and applications of deduction and computation
under different strategies, control issues and strategies in the
of systems, strategies in decision procedures for SMT.
Strategy languages: essential constructs, meta-level features. Definition,
design, implementation and application. Comparison of strategies in
(existing) systems.
Concrete types of (reduction/evaluation) strategies in rewriting
and programming, lambda calculi, normalization, narrowing, constraint
solving, as well as their properties and characteristics (complexity,
decidability, ...).
Applications and case studies in which strategies play a major role.
FLoC 2010 provides an excellent opportunity to foster exchanges between
the communities of Rewriting and Programming on one side, and of Deduction
and Proof engines on the other side. This workshop is a joint follow-up of
two series of workshops, held since 1997: the Strategies workshops held by
the CADE-IJCAR community and the Workshops on Reduction Strategies (WRS)
held by the RTA-RDP community.
The submission process is in two stages.
1) Before the workshop, authors are invited to submit an extended abstract
(max. 5 pages) to be formatted in the EasyChair class style
through the EasyChair submission site:
Accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop and included in
the preliminary proceedings, available at the workshop.
2) After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit a
full paper of their presentation (typically a 15-pages paper), which
will be refereed and considered for publication in the electronic
journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
Beyond original ideas and recent results not published nor submitted
elsewhere, we also invite authors to submit a 5-pages abstract describing
relevant work that has been or will be published elsewhere, or work in
progress. These submissions will be only considered for presentation
at the workshop and inclusion in the preliminary proceedings but not
in the final proceedings.
Helene Kirchner, INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, France
Cesar Munoz, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, USA
Program Committee
Maria Paola Bonacina, Univ. degli Studi di Verona, Italy
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS, France
Bernhard Gramlich, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
Salvador Lucas, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Pierre-Etienne Moreau, LORIA-INRIA Nancy, France
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA
Eelco Visser, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
Christoph Weidenbach, MPI-INF, Saarbrucken, Germany
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC