From: Ralf Treinen <>
LoCoCo 2010 -- Workshop on Logics for Component Configuration
Workshop of SAT at FLoC 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 10, 2010
First Call for Papers
Modern software distributions are based on the notion of components, which
denote units of independent development and deployment. Components provide
the necessary flexibility when organizing a complex software distribution,
but also are a challenge when it comes to selecting components from a large
repository of possible choices, and configuring these components according
to user needs, resource constraints, and interdependencies with other
components. Representing and solving configuration problems is a hot topic
of great importance for many application domains. Some well-known examples
of complex systems of components in the world of Free and Open Source
software are the different distributions for GNU/Linux, BSD, or Eclipse
Understanding and solving these questions is an attractive research
topic since the problems to be solved are complex and interesting for
researchers working on solving techniques, and on the other hand have
the potential of high impact on the way the software we all use
everyday is developed and deployed. Not only adequate logical
formalisms to represent a configuration problem are required, but also
sophisticated reasoning technologies to deal with large amounts of
data. Further relevant aspects include diagnosis of failed
configuration settings and an intelligent behavior dealing with user
This workshop will focus on logic-based methods for specifying and solving
complex configuration problems for software components. The goal of the
workshop is to bring together both researchers and practitioners active in
the area of component configuration of software systems, using different
modeling and solving techniques, such as constraint and logic programming,
description logics, satisfiability and its extensions. The workshop will be
an opportunity to discuss common and complementary solutions for solving
component configuration.
Main areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
o Configuration problems and models: knowledge representation and
acquisition, incomplete knowledge, inconsistent knowledge, etc.
o Reasoning methods for solving configuration problems: constraint
satisfaction and optimization, SAT solving and extensions, integer
programming, local search, symmetry breaking, etc.
o Interactivity: user preferences, machine learning, distributed
environments, etc.
o Applications and tools: case studies, current challenges,
application reports, etc.
Invited Talk
An invited talk will be given by Carsten Sinz (University of Karlsruhe).
MISC 2010
The first Mancoosi International Solver Competition will be held in
conjunction with the LoCoCo workshop.
Important Dates
Friday, March 26 Submission deadline
Friday, April 23 Notification about acceptance
Friday, May 21 Final paper due
Saturday, July 10 Workshop
Submission and Publication
We welcome submissions of various types of presentations related to
the topics of the workshop, such as
Papers presented at the workshop will have to carry an open access
licence agreement. We will attempt to publish the papers at an
open access archive of workshop proceedings. Details will be posted
Submitted papers must not exceed a limit of 10 pages, but authors may
provide pointers to additional online resources if necessary. Papers
may be submitted in the formats Postscript or PDF. Details of the
exact page style to be used will be posted later. Submissions will be
handled through easychair at
Program Committee
Daniel Le Berre (Universite d'Artois, France)
Roberto Di Cosmo (Universite Paris-Diderot, France)
Georg Gottlob (Oxford University, UK)
Pascal van Hentenryck (Brown University, USA)
Matti Jarvisalo (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Ines Lynce (INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal), co-chair
Toni Mancini (Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy)
Albert Oliveras (Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Christian Schulte (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
Ralf Treinen (Universite Paris-Diderot, France), co-chair
Nic Wilson (UCC, Cork, Irland)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC