From: Peter Sewell <>
PiP 2014: Principles in Practice
Co-located with POPL 2014
Saturday 25 January, 2014. San Diego, California, USA
Recent years have seen a number research projects applying rigorous
semantics to the analysis or design of industrially significant
real-world languages and systems, in various contexts. Principles in
Practice (PiP) is an informal workshop bringing together researchers
to discuss the issues involved in engaging with the various industrial
communities, in developing and using semantics at scale, in handling
pre-existing systems complexity, and in the wide range of testing,
analysis, and proof-based techniques that can be applied. There will
be a programme of invited talks, with no proceedings.
Peter Sewell, Introduction and REMS project (10 minutes)
Andrew Kennedy / Nick Benton, Formalizing .EXEs, .DLLs, and all that
Benjamin Pierce, Verification and random testing of the SAFE architecture
Daniel Kroening, Automated test-suite generation for automotive applications
Gang Tan / Greg Morrisett, Reusable tools for formal modeling of machine code
Konrad Slind (Rockwell Collins), Industrial verification considered
as a helix of semi-precious stones
Michael Norrish, Ad hoc C: reflections on pragmatic semantics
Sergio Maffeis, Formal, executable semantics of web languages:
JavaScript and PHP
Shriram Krishnamurthi, Programming Language Semantics as Natural
Science: The Peculiar, Evolving, and Barely Consummated Relationship
Between Semantics and Scripting Languages
Xavier Leroy, How much is a mechanized proof worth, certification-wise?
Zhong Shao, Advanced Development of Certified OS Kernels
Registration is via the POPL 2014 registration page. PiP 2014 is not
an ACM-sponsored meeting, so if you plan to attend, please register
specifically for PiP. Breakfast and breaks will be included, but not
Peter Sewell, University of Cambridge, UK
Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania, USA
PiP 2014 is sponsored by the EPSRC REMS project: Rigorous Engineering
for Mainstream Systems.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC