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Topic: [isabelle] Call for Participation: Training School in Sym...

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From: Temur Kutsia <>
[Apologies for multiple copies.]

% European Commission Framework 6 Programme %
% Integrated Infrastructures Initiatives %
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% Symbolic Computation in Europe (SCIEnce) %
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% February 5-18, 2007 %
% RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria %
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Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler
University of Linz, organizes the the First Training School in
Symbolic Computation in February 5-18, 2007 in the Castle of
Hagenberg, Austria.

The school will give an introduction to the field of symbolic
computation and provide training in selected symbolic computation
software and techniques for students and researchers
(mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers,
computer scientists, economists, linguists, etc.) who would like
to use symbolic computation in their work.


* Introduction to Grbner bases and other methods in
elimination theory.
Bruno Buchberger, RISC, Austria (a brief introduction
into the Grbner bases method and its origins
by the inventor of the method)
Franz Winkler, RISC, Austria

* Cylindrical algebraic decomposition and its applications.
Christopher Brown, Naval Academy, USA

* Introduction to basic techniques and software for symbolic
summation and integration.
Manuel Kauers, RISC, Austria
Carsten Schneider, RISC, Austria

* Solving and Manipulating Differential Equations with
Maple and Mathematica.
Elena Kartashova, RISC, Austria
Georg Regensburger, RICAM, Austria
Markus Rosenkranz, RICAM, Austria

* Maple tutorial.
Alexander Potapchik, MAplesoft, Canada

* Mathematica tutorial.
Wolfgang Windsteiger, RISC, Austria

* Short tutorials on symbolic computation software systems:
- GAP. (TBA)
- Magma. Janka Pilnikova, RICAM, Austria
- Singular. Viktor Levandovskyy, RISC, Austria
- Theorema. Wolfgang Windsteiger, RISC, Austria


* November 20, 2006: Deadline for applications for grants.
* December 4, 2006: Notification.
* December 11, 2006: Deadline for registration.
* February 5-18, 2007: Training School


The SCIEnce project offers a limited number of grants
to attend the School. The grant covers the cost of an
economy class travel to the school site and back,
accommodations during the school, daily allowance,
free registration, and school materials. Application
procedure can be found on the school web page.

Decision about awarding grants will be made by the selection

* Bruno Buchberger, RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Arjeh M. Cohen, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Marc Giusti, CNRS, France
* Steve Linton, University of St Andrews, UK
* Peter Paule, RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Franz Winkler (Chairman), RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria


Temur Kutsia, RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Austria

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC