From: Dominique Mery <>
Call for Application to a Three-Years PhD Grant
Reliability and safety of medical device software systems
October 2008
Laboratory : The MOSEL research team at LORIA UMR 7503 Nancy, France.
Supervisor:: MERY Dominique
Summary of the topics
The aim of this project is to investigate the modelling of medical
device software and systems using formal techniques and using proof
assistants. Classical methods like tests have reached their limits and
the development of medical device software and systems is a crucial
issue, since the society should ensure safe advances in healthcare
delivery. Any safety and regulatory requirements for medical devices
necessarily call for rigorous software developments methods to ensure
reliability and to protect the public health. The Grand Challenge
mentions a very interesting case study, namely the model of a pacemaker,
and there are a lot of other systems which are now embedded in our body
and require investigations on modelling them using proof assistants and
a step-by-step approach for constructing models, namely refinement.
Research directions will focus on the use of proof-based modelling
techniques like RAISE, DC, Event B, .... and intends to study the
questions of validation, certification, maintenance, usability and
adaptability. The work will evaluate the impact of mathematical proofs
in the modelling technique and the general approach will be based on
domain engineering and on model-based approach; we will found our work
on the triptych Domain, System, Requirement. The research will involve
collaboration with therapists and surgeons.
General Informations
We seek a PhD student with an interest in modelling, proving and
developing. Modelling will be a very crucial part of the work and
students should have skills in using at least one formal method (RAISE,
Z, VDM, B, ...) or semi-formal method (UML,SYSML? ...). The PhD student
should have an effective background in computer science. The language of
work will be either french or english.
The studentship covers living expense at £14988, and the student fee for
home/EU students.
Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship starting Autumn
2008 under the supervision of Pr Dominique Méry. This project is a
collaboration between the MOSEL team and the University Hospital of
Nancy. The student will register for a PhD in the Doctoral School IAEM
(Informatique,Automatique,Electronique,Mathématiques) of the University
Henri Poincaré Nancy 1 Department of Computer Science.
Funding Notes: Salary rate (French Ministry of Education): ca. 19200
euros per year.
Applicants should hold at least a MSc (or equivalent) in computer
science or in computing science . Informal inquiries can be made to
Dominique Méry (
To apply: send an application by email to Dominique Méry (
Subject: Application PhD withy the following items:
• a detailed cv
• records of results and marks in master and previous years
• name and email of two referees supporting the application
• a statement of the last degree
• any document for supporting the application
Other informations:
• Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche:§eur=X&theme=X&valider=Ok+>
The closing date is 7 June 2008
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC