From: Ewen Denney <>
The First NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2009)
April 6 - 8, 2009 Moffett Field, California, USA
Submission: January 30, 2009
Notification: February 27, 2009
Final version: March 15, 2009
The widespread use and increasing complexity of safety-critical
systems require advanced techniques that address their verification
and certification requirements.
NFM 2009 is a forum for theoreticians and practitioners from academia
and industry, with the goals of identifying challenges and providing
solutions to achieving assurance in safety-critical systems. Within
NASA, for example, such systems include autonomous robots, separation
assurance algorithms for aircraft, and autonomous rendezvous and
docking for spacecraft. Moreover, emerging paradigms such as code
generation and safety cases are bringing with them new challenges and
The focus of the symposium will be on formal techniques, their theory,
current capabilities, and limitations, as well as their application to
aerospace, robotics, and other safety-critical systems. The symposium
aims to introduce researchers, graduate students, and partners in
industry to those topics that are of interest, to survey current
research, and to identify unsolved problems and directions for future
The meeting will be comprised of invited talks by leading researchers
and practitioners, a panel discussion on the current status of formal
methods, and more specialized talks based on contributed papers.
The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a new annual event intended to
highlight the state of formal methods' art and practice. It follows
the earlier Langley Formal Methods Workshop series and aims to foster
collaboration between NASA researchers and engineers, as well as the
wider aerospace, safety-critical and formal methods communities.
Topics of Interest include (but are not limited to):
* Formal verification, including theorem proving, model checking,
and static analysis
* Automated testing and simulation techniques
* Model-based development
* Techniques and algorithms for scaling formal methods, such as
abstraction and symbolic methods, compositional techniques, as
well as parallel and/or distributed techniques
* Code generation
* Safety cases
* Accident/safety analysis
* Formal approaches to fault tolerance
* Theoretical advances and empirical evaluations of formal methods
techniques for safety-critical systems, including hybrid and
embedded systems
There are two categories of submissions (in NASA conference style):
* Regular papers describing fully developed work and complete results
(10 pages / 30 minute talks)
* Short papers describing interesting work in progress and/or
results (5 pages / 15 minute talks)
All papers should describe original work that has not been published
elsewhere. Submissions will be fully reviewed and the symposium
proceedings will appear as a NASA Conference Publication. Authors of
selected papers will then be invited to submit extended versions to a
special issue of "Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a
NASA Journal" (Springer).
Details for the NASA conference style and the link for submissions
will be available from
Ewen Denney, NASA Ames
Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
Gilles Barthe, IMDEA, Madrid
Guillaume Brat, NASA Ames
Ricky Butler, NASA Langley
Charles Consel, INRIA, Bordeaux
Krzysztof Czarnecki, U. Waterloo
Luca de Alfaro, UC Santa Cruz
Ben Di Vito, NASA Langley
Matt Dwyer, U. Nebraska
Martin Feather, JPL
Klaus Havelund, JPL
Mats Heimdahl, U. Minnesota
Gerard Holzmann, JPL
John Kelly, NASA HQ
Mike Lowry, NASA Ames
John Matthews, Galois Inc.
Cesar Munoz, National Institute of Aerospace
John Penix, Google
James Rash, NASA Goddard
Kristin Rozier, NASA Ames
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research
Koushik Sen, UC Berkeley
Natarajan Shankar, SRI
Doug Smith, Kestrel Institute
Mike Whalen, Rockwell Collins
Ewen Denney, NASA Ames
Ben Di Vito, NASA Langley
Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames
Klaus Havelund, JPL
Gerard Holzmann, JPL
Cesar Munoz, NIA
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
James Rash, NASA Goddard
Kristin Yvonne Rozier, NASA Ames
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC