From: Walther Neuper <>
Call for papers on Technology Assessment
Computer Mathematics in Education --- Enlightenment or Incantation ?
CME-EI, Workshop at CICM
August 17, 2018, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria
CICM gathers computer mathematicians, and this workshop questions the
impact of their doing on education. Computer Mathematics plays an
important role in education -- does this role tend towards enlightenment
of students or towards incantation by students ? So this workshop
adresses what "Intelligent" in the conference's title might mean:
raising "enlightenment" (a misleading translation from German
"Aufklaerung") or raising blind trust in technology and using tools
for kinds of "incantation"?
Looking at the state of the art in educational use of mathematics
software we see: Computer Algebra Systems are used to widen application
areas of mathematics by uncaging students from tricky calculations --
and by the way tend to shift formal mathematics into mystical
incantation. Dynamic Geometry Systems appeal to students' intuition,
experts advocate "geometrical proof" -- and by the way bypass the
challenge of demonstrating reliability by mathematical proof. And last
not least a "new generation of educational mathematics software" based
on technologies from Computer Theorem Proving is announced while
respective software for general mathematics education still seems
So this workshop will consider recent developments in Computer
Mathematics, discuss potential impact of respective tools and reconsider
developers' responsibility for such impact.
Topics of interest:
Interesting as discussion of "Enlightenment or Incantation" in
education might be, it must start from concrete technologies:
* Technologies for explanation, justification and reasoning,
* tools built upon Computer Algebra, Dynamic Geometry, Computer
Theorem Proving, etc,
* case studies: areas of mathematics which particularly benefit from
mechanical explanation, justification and reasoning,
* evidence and proof in Dynamic Geometry Systems,
* computer Algebra and reasoning,
* automated generation of concrete examples from abstract concepts,
* SW mechanisms which make mathematical concepts transparent to
* SW as models of mathematics (interactive, complete and
And from there ask questions like:
* Where does Computer Mathematics tend towards "enlightenment"?
* Where does Computer Mathematics tend towards "incantation"?
* How does increasing use of software tools affect mathematics education?
* How do software tools affect young people's interest in MINT studies?
Important dates:
Deadline for submissions: 20. May 2018
Notification of acceptance: 17. June 2018
Workshop day: 17. Aug 2018
Authors should prepare their papers in one column style of CEUR-WS There are two categories of
* Regular papers describing developed work with theoretical results
(upto 15 pages)
* Short papers on experience reports, tools or work in progress with
preliminary results or just preparations for discussion (upto 6 pages).
Submission in PDF at
Programme Committee
Karl-Josef Fuchs, University of Salzburg
Zoltan Kovacs, Private University of Education Diocese Linz
Walther Neuper, Graz University of Technology
Barbara Sabitzer, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Wolfgang Schreiner, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC