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Topic: [isabelle] CfP HOFM Workshop @ SEFM 2014

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From: Maria Spichkova <>
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*HOFM 2014: Human-Oriented Formal Methods Workshop *

co-located to SEFM, 12th International Conference on Software Engineering
and Formal Methods <> (Grenoble, France)

Important Dates

Deadline for paper submission: June 15, 2014

Notification: July 5, 2014

Workshop will take place on September 1, 2014

All accepted papers will be published as part of the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) proceedings volume.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

• Integration of formal methods in the industrial development life
cycle , application
of Formal Methods to real-world problems especially in domains listed below

• Optimization of the development tools based on formal models

• Specification/modeling notations and tools for human readability

• Human factors of/for formal methods

• Formal methods and design for usability

• Usability and scalability of formal methods tools

• Human error and human factors in software/systems dependability

• Interface design, formal specification and human factors

• Cross-disciplinary automation and hybrid formal methods

• Verification/testing automation

• Usability evaluation in automated verification and testing

• Visualisation of/in formal methods and tools

• Domain-specific languages for verification and validation

• Crowd-enabling and gamification for human-centred verification

• Domain-specific formal methods for real-world problems

• Teaching of Formal Methods, especially wrt. human factors


While designing and applying formal methods, computer scientists have
dominantly focused on two factors, only: firstly, the method must be
precise and sound and secondly, it must be mathematically concise and
aesthetic. Other important characteristics such as simplicity,
learnability, readability, memorability, ease of use and communication or,
even support for integrating tools into larger development tool chains are
ignored too often. These nonfunctional properties, however, are key
attributes of usability and user satisfaction. If usability is compromised,
methods are not fit for the purpose of documenting, reproducing and
communicating key design and realization decisions, or analysis results,
especially when these need to communicate or mediate between expertise in
different disciplines, different tool chains or across technological or
organizational boundaries. For these reasons, many engineers and
practitioners largely reject formal methods and formal specification
languages as “too hard to understand and use in practice” while admitting
that they are powerful and precise.

With increasing computing power and its consequent automation capabilities,
the research and development community however is slowly but definitely
focusing on usability in combination with automation. Moreover
practitioners across numerous domains are increasingly interested in formal
domain-specific modelling, simulation and validation, whether in
application areas of energy, robotics, health, biology, climate and
sustainable development, or, for specific technologies of importance such
as data analytics and user interface specification for an exponentially
growing number of hand-held or wearable devices.

While there are many applications of formal methods to analyze
human-machine interaction and to construct user interfaces, the field of
application of human factors to the analysis and to the optimization of
formal methods area is almost unexplored.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers, engineers and
practitioners from academia and industry to baseline the state of the art
in this increasingly important domain. It also aims to develop a future
vision and roadmap of usability and automation, focusing especially on
readability and ease of use.

Formatting and Submission Guidelines:

All accepted papers will be published as part of the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS, proceedings volume
organized by SEFM. PDF versions of papers should be submitted trough EasyChair
submission system <>.
The maximum size is 15 pages using the LNCS Formatting
If you submit a paper and it gets accepted, at least one of the
(co)author(s) is expected to be present at the workshop to present the
paper. All papers submitted to the workshop must be unpublished original
work and should not be under review or submitted elsewhere while being
under consideration.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by 3 members of Program/Organizing
Committee (or their sub-reviewers) and selection of accepted papers will
based on relevance, quality and originality of the submitted papers.

Program Committee:

Katherine Blashki<>,
Noroff University College, Norway

Manfred Broy <>, Technical University München,

Jan Carlson <>, Maelardalen
University, Sweden

Pedro Isaías <>,
Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Lalchandani Jayprakash<>,
IIIT Bangalore, India

Peter Herrmann<>,
NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Tim Miller <>, The University of Melbourne,

Srini Ramaswamy <>, ABB –
Bangalore, India

Daniel Ratiu <>,
Siemens AG, Germany

Bernhard Schätz<>,
fortiss GmbH, Germany

Heinz Schmidt <>, RMIT University,
Australia – chair

Carol Smidts <>, Ohio State University,

Maria Spichkova <>, RMIT
University, Australia – chair

Judith Stafford <>, University of
Colorado, USA

Workshop Organizers:

Heinz Schmidt <> (RMIT University,

Maria Spichkova <> (RMIT
University, Australia)

Contact organizer: Maria Spichkova,<>


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC