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From: Josef Urban <>

Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana), 24--27 July 2018



The 6th International Congress on Mathematical Software will be held from
24 to July 27, 2018 at the University of Notre Dame. The General Chair is
H. Davenport, the Program Chairs are Manuel Kauers, George Labahn and Josef
Urban, and the Local Chairs are Jonathan Hauenstein and Andrew Sommese.

The invited speakers are Folkmar Bornemann, Thomas C. Hales and William

The program consists of several topical sessions. Each session will provide
overview of the challenges, achievements and progress in a subfield of
mathematical software research, development and use. The list of sessions is
given below. At this time we solicit contributions to the sessions.

Key dates:

Talk abstract submission: April 14, 2018 (extended)
Proceedings paper submission: April 21, 2018
Organizers decision: April 30, 2018
Conference: July 24--27, 2018

How to submit a talk?

If you want to contribute a talk to the program of ICMS, please select
appropriate session and either submit a title and abstract (about 200
at [] or contact the
organizers directly. Choose the "general session" if your topic fits to
general theme of the conference but to no particular session.

How to submit a paper?

Speakers have the option to contribute to an LNCS proceedings volume
for the
event. If you wish to do so, prepare a manuscript of at most 8 pages in
format [] and submit it at
[]. The
decision about acceptance of the paper for the proceedings will be made
the PC chairs, in consultation with the session organizers.

Which sessions are there?

Detailed descriptions and email addresses of the organizers can be found

1. General Session (papers or talks that do not fit elsewhere)
James H. Davenport, Manuel Kauers, George Labahn, Josef Urban

2. Algorithms and applications for curves and surfaces

* Jin-San Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
* Vikram Sharma (IMSc Chennai, India)

3. Symbolic Summation and Integration

* Christoph Koutschan (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

4. Polyhedral methods in geometry and optimization

* Michael Joswig

5. The 29th OpenMath Workshop

* James H. Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
* Michael Kohlhase (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

6. Post-Quantum Cryptography

* Delaram Kahrobaei (CUNY Graduate Center, NY, USA)
* Vladimir Shpilrain (The City College of New York, NY, USA)

7. Groebner Bases

* Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)
* Alexander Maletzky (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)

8. Machine Learning for Mathematical Software

* Matthew England (Coventry University, U.K.)

9. Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation

* Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
* James H. Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
* Matthew England (Coventry University, U.K.)

10. Mathematical Interfaces: Computing, Modeling, Web & Mobile

* Marco Pollanen (Trent University, Canada)
* Yasuyuki Nakamura (Nagoya University, Japan)
* Masataka Kaneko (Toho University, Japan)

11. Backtrack search techniques in groups and combinatorics

* Markus Pfeiffer (School of Computer Science, St Andrews, UK)
* Christopher Jefferson (School of Computer Science, St Andrews, UK)

12. Computational Algebraic Geometry

* Dan Bates (Colorado State University)
* Dani Brake (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire)

13. Symbolic Combinatorics

* Stephen Melczer (University of Pennsylvania)

14. Towards Composable Mathematical Software

* Markus Pfeiffer (School of Computer Science, St Andrews, UK)
* Florian Rabe (Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany)
* Nicolas Thiéry (Université Paris Sud, France)

15. Management of Mathematical Software, Mathematical Knowledge and
Research Data

* Wolfram Sperber (zbMATH)
* Patrick D. F. Ion (GDML WG & University of Michigan)

16. Software for exact and certified numeric computations

* Chenqi Mou (Beihang University)
* Dongming Wang (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
* Chee K. Yap (New York University)

17. Math in 2050 - Creativity, Publication, and Application supported
by Knowledge Bases and Software?

* Michael Kohlhase (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
* Patrick D. F. Ion (GDML WG & University of Michigan)

18. Quantifier Reasoning

* Mikolas Janota (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
* Andrew Reynolds (University of Iowa, USA)

19. Formal and Informal Mathematical Corpora

* Yihe Dong (Wolfram Research, Champaign, IL, USA)
* Robert Y. Lewis (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL)

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC