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Topic: [isabelle] CfPArt: ICTAC 2008

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From: Jeremy Bryans <>
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5th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2008)

1-3 September 2008 The Marmara, Istanbul, Turkey

(Tutorials & Workshops 30-31 August 2008, Sabanci University, Istanbul)

The proceedings of ICTAC 2008 will be published by Springer, LNCS.


The ICTAC series, founded by the United Nations University's International Institute of Software Technology (UNU-IIST), brings together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present research and to exchange ideas and experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects of computing and in the exploitation of theory through methods and tools for system development. A further aim is to promote cooperation in research and education between participants and institutions from developing and industrial countries, as in the United Nations University's mandate. The previous four ICTAC events were held in Guiyang, China (2004), Hanoi, Vietnam (2005), Tunis, Tunisia (2006) and Macau (2007).

Conference program available to download:

Tutorials (31 August)

Jean-Raymond Abrial: Event-B and the Rodin Platform
Bill Roscoe: Some non-standard authentication methods
Jan Peleska: A Formal Introduction to Model-Based Testing

Tutorial abstracts:

Workshops (30-31 August)

International Workshop on Quality Aspects of Coordination (QAC 2008) [Chairs: Sun Meng, Farhad Arbab]

2nd International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software [Chairs: Jianhua Zhao, Volker Stolz]

International Workshop on Foundations of Computer Science as Logic-Related [Chair: Walter Carnielli]

Early registration deadline: August 1
Full registration information at

Chairs & Contacts

General Chair: Mike Reed, UNU-IIST

Organising Chair: Husnu Yenigun (, Sabanci University, Istanbul

Programme Chairs:
John Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK (
Anne Haxthausen, Technical University of Denmark (

Publicity Chair: Jeremy Bryans, Newcastle University, UK

Steering Committee: John Fitzgerald, UK; Martin Leucker, Germany; Zhiming Liu (Chair), UNU-IIST, Macao; Tobias Nipkow, Germany; Augusto Sampaio, Brazil; Natarajan Shankar, USA; Jim Woodcock, UK

Programme Committee: Keijiro Araki, JP; Jonathan Bowen, UK; Michael Butler, UK; Ana Cavalcanti, UK; Patrice Chalin, CA; Christine Choppy, FR; Jim Davies, UK; Jin Song Dong, SA; George Eleftherakis, GR; Esra Erdem ,TR; Wan Fokkink, NL; Marcelo Frias, AR; Kokichi Futatsugi, JP; Chris George, UNU-IIST; Lindsay Groves, NZ; Michael R. Hansen, DK; Ian Hayes, AU; Dang Van Hung, VN; Tomasz Janowski, UNU-IIST; He Jifeng, CN; Joe Kiniry, IE; Maciej Koutny, UK; Kung-Kiu Lau, UK; Martin Leucker, DE; Joe Morris, IE; Peter Mosses, UK; Paritosh K Pandya, IN; Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog, DE; Anders Ravn, DK; Wolfgang Reisig, DE; Augusto Sampaio, BR; Bernhard Schaetz, DE; Natarajan Shankar, USA; Serdar Tasiran, TR; Helen Treharne, UK; Alan Wassyng, CA; Jim Woodcock, UK; Ji Wang, CN; Naijun Zhan, CN

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC