Hi all,
Does anyone know how to change the font face of free variables in the
response window? I've tried changing ProofGeneral/isar/isar-syntax.el:
(defface isabelle-free-name-face
(:foreground "blue")
(:foreground "yellow")
(:bold t))
"*Face for Isabelle term / type hiliting"
:group 'proof-faces)
(defface isabelle-free-name-face
(:foreground "blue")
(:foreground "red")
(:bold t))
"*Face for Isabelle term / type hiliting"
:group 'proof-faces)
but free variables are still shown with a yellow background. I'm using a
dark environment, so I suspect it's the second argument to proof-face-specs
that needs changing. I've already removed all .elcs and all other font
faces work, eg, bound, schematic variables, etc.
From: Johannes Hölzl <>
You can use << M-x list-faces-display >> to show all font faces.
The interesting ones for ProofGeneral are "proof-" and "font-lock-".
Just click on the name and change the color. Don't forget to click "Save
for future Sessions", to have it in your .emacs file.
Here is a example from my ~/.emacs-Datei:
'(font-lock-string-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) (:foreground "DarkBlue" :weight semi-bold))))
'(proof-locked-face ((((type x) (class color) (background light)) (:background "#d9ffd9"))))
'(proof-mouse-highlight-face ((((type x) (class color) (background light)) (:inherit proof-locked-face))))
Hope this helps,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC