From: Brandon Bohrer <>
Hello All,
I've been trying to generate code for functions that are defined inside a
locale, but Isabelle is refusing and the error suggests it is related to
the type variables fixed by my locale. Here is a toy example of the problem:
theory "Codegen_Example"
imports Complex_Main
locale Foo =
fixes x::"'type_param::finite"
fixes y::"'type_param::finite"
context Foo begin
fun test1 :: "int \<Rightarrow> int" where
"test1 n = n"
fun test2 :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
"test2 n = n"
fun test3 :: "int \<Rightarrow> 'type_param \<Rightarrow> int" where
"test3 n _= n"
interpretation bb: Foo Enum.finite_2.a\<^sub>1 Enum.finite_2.a\<^sub>2
(* Works *)
export_code "bb.test1" in SML
export_code "bb.test2" in SML
(* Does Not Work*)
export_code "bb.test3" in SML
The last "export_code" line gives the error:
int ⇒ Enum.finite_2 ⇒ int
of constant "Codegen_Example.Foo.test3"
is too specific compared to declared type
int ⇒ ?'type_param::{} ⇒ int
I don't understand this error, because generating code for a specific
instance 'type_param = Enum.finite_2 seems like something that ought to
work (and Enum.finite_2 supports the finite typeclass).
Does anyone know a way to convince Isabelle to generate code in such a
situation (or fix my confusion as to why this is not supported?). It would
actually be more convenient in my case to generate polymorphic code instead
of fixing 'type_param = Enum.finite_2, but of course that's cheating in the
sense that SML knows nothing about the finite typeclass thus cannot enforce
Incidentally, in the real code, the reason for fixing the type parameters
like this are (1) I use the assumption 'type_param::finite very frequently
and it's nicer to only write it down once and (2) I frequently construct
values based on x and y (and a number of other arguments) so it would be
quite unwieldy if they were not locale parameters.
Thanks in advance,
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Dear Brandon,
The underlying reason is not related to type classes. It is simply that you must do some
work to get the code generator work on interpretations of locales. You have three options:
lemmas [code] = Foo.test1.simps Foo.test2.simps Foo.test3.simps
export_code Foo.test3 in SML
In addition, if you want to get the specialisation for the interpretation, you must define
a constant instead of the abbreviation:
definition "bb_test3 = bb.test3"
export_code bb_test3 in SML
This option works only if your locale does not contain or inherit any "assumes" parts.
global_interpretation bb: Foo Enum.finite_2.a⇩1 Enum.finite_2.a⇩2
defines bb_test1 = bb.test1
and bb_test2 = bb.test2
and bb_test3 = bb.test3
Hope this helps,
From: Peter Lammich <>
Refinement Framework that
automates step 2. He can tell you more about this.
Unfortunately, the Locale_Code tool Andreas probably refers to does not
work for this particular case.
This tool was specifically developed for the needs of the Isabelle
Collection Framework. It's a workaround, and after being told that this
hack is of no general interest as it should be done properly, I did not
invest more work to make it usable in more general cases.
Anyway, 5 years later, the problem of generating code from locale
interpretations without writing tons of boilerplate seems still not
So again, here the idea of my hack:
Before and after interpreting a locale, record the existing Spec_Rules.
After interpreting the locale, make a diff to find the new spec rules,
and process them to automatically set up new code equations.
However, as far as I can remember, the current implementation only
declares new code equations, without defining new constants.
See "$AFP/Collections/ICF/tools/Locale_Code_Ex" and the Isabelle
Collection Framework for examples where it actually works and the three
setup Locale_Code.open_block
interpretation ...
setup Locale_Code.close_block
declare dozens of code theorems, thus saving dozens of boilerplate declarations as would be required for method 1 or 2.
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi Brandon,
- You define at the time of interpretation new constants for all the
terms you ever want to execute. You must use global_interpretation
instead of interpretation.global_interpretation bb: Foo Enum.finite_2.a⇩1 Enum.finite_2.a⇩2
defines bb_test1 = bb.test1
and bb_test2 = bb.test2
and bb_test3 = bb.test3
this approach is indeed canonical.
- You use one of Peter Lammich's tools from Autoref or Monadic
Refinement Framework that automates step 2. He can tell you more about
this.Hope this helps,
AndreasOn 16/02/17 14:55, Brandon Bohrer wrote:
Hello All,
I've been trying to generate code for functions that are defined inside a
locale, but Isabelle is refusing and the error suggests it is related to
the type variables fixed by my locale. Here is a toy example of the
problem:theory "Codegen_Example"
imports Complex_Main
locale Foo =
fixes x::"'type_param::finite"
fixes y::"'type_param::finite"context Foo begin
fun test1 :: "int \<Rightarrow> int" where
"test1 n = n"fun test2 :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
"test2 n = n"fun test3 :: "int \<Rightarrow> 'type_param \<Rightarrow> int" where
"test3 n _= n"
endinterpretation bb: Foo Enum.finite_2.a\<^sub>1 Enum.finite_2.a\<^sub>2
done(* Works *)
export_code "bb.test1" in SML
export_code "bb.test2" in SML(* Does Not Work*)
export_code "bb.test3" in SML
endThe last "export_code" line gives the error:
int ⇒ Enum.finite_2 ⇒ int
of constant "Codegen_Example.Foo.test3"
is too specific compared to declared type
int ⇒ ?'type_param::{} ⇒ intI don't understand this error, because generating code for a specific
instance 'type_param = Enum.finite_2 seems like something that ought to
work (and Enum.finite_2 supports the finite typeclass).Does anyone know a way to convince Isabelle to generate code in such a
situation (or fix my confusion as to why this is not supported?). It
actually be more convenient in my case to generate polymorphic code
of fixing 'type_param = Enum.finite_2, but of course that's cheating
in the
sense that SML knows nothing about the finite typeclass thus cannot
it.Incidentally, in the real code, the reason for fixing the type parameters
like this are (1) I use the assumption 'type_param::finite very
and it's nicer to only write it down once and (2) I frequently construct
values based on x and y (and a number of other arguments) so it would be
quite unwieldy if they were not locale parameters.Thanks in advance,
From: Brandon Bohrer <>
Hi Andreas,
Thank you for such a detailed response! Solution #2 got export_code to work
(my locale has assumptions, so #1 was not an option). I don't mind the
boilerplate code so long as it works.
My locale also has some inductive predicates for which I would like to
generate code. Am I correct that the predicate compiler doesn't work inside
locales that have assumptions? The following thread seems to suggest so:
If that's the case, it shouldn't be too hard to turn all my predicates into
functions. It just looks cleaner when they're written as inductive
predicates, so it would be nice if code generation for predicates happens
to work.
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Brandon,
code_pred does not work inside the locale, but you can use it with global_interpretation.
Here's an example:
locale l = fixes x :: 'a assumes "x = x"
inductive (in l) is_x where "is_x x"
global_interpretation i: l "0 :: nat" defines i_is_x = "i.is_x" by unfold_locales simp
declare i.is_x.intros[code_pred_intro]
code_pred i_is_x by(rule i.is_x.cases)
thm i_is_x.equation
The crucial line is the re-declaration of the intro rules.
Hope this helps,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC