From: Viorel Preoteasa <>
I have noticed that there is a general theory about complete latices in
however I was not able to use it. I have tried imports CompleteLattices
but it did not work. I tried also imports Lattice CompleteLattices, but
it did not work either.
The second question is how do use these abstract theories? I need
to instantiate them for the lattice of predicate transformers
('a set => 'a set) with the order inherited from sets (bool).
Best regards,
Viorel Preoteasa
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi Viorel,
I have noticed that there is a general theory about complete latices in
however I was not able to use it. I have tried imports CompleteLattices
but it did not work. I tried also imports Lattice CompleteLattices, but
it did not work either.
the theory you are referring to is named Complete_Lattice (without
trailing s!) and is already part of the HOL-Main image; it provides a
type class complete_lattice with operations Inf and Sup.
The second question is how do use these abstract theories? I need
to instantiate them for the lattice of predicate transformers
('a set => 'a set) with the order inherited from sets (bool).
The standard instantiations of the Complete_Lattice type class already
allow you to use it that way:
term "Sup :: ('a set ⇒ 'a set) set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a set"
For applications, the type class complete_lattice should be sufficient.
For meta-theory about complete lattices, theory
HOL/Algebra/Lattices.thy is perhaps a better entrance point.
Hope this helps,
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi Viorel,
aha, this one should be considered more an example for type classes than
a library to actually build on.
The one you pointed me does not seem to have results about fixed
points and the Knaster-Tarski theorem.
This can be found (to some extent) in HOL/Inductive.thy.
I also need it instantiated
for a special king of predicate transformers, likeL = (('b => ('a set)) => ('b => ('a set)))
You can provide you own "interpretation"s for type classes which are a
specialized form of locales.
Moreover, I need it instantiated for monotonic predicate transformers,
or at least I need to know that the fixed point of F: L -> L is monotonic
when (F x) is monotonic for all x monotonic.
You can express this either using the "mono" predicate or introduce your
own locale which imports complete_lattice and fixes F, together with an
assumes concerning monotonicity.
Hope this helps,
From: Viorel Preoteasa <>
Hello Florian,
Thank you for your quick answer. I am talking however about this complete
lattice theory:
The one you pointed me does not seem to have results about fixed
points and the Knaster-Tarski theorem. I also need it instantiated
for a special king of predicate transformers, like
L = (('b => ('a set)) => ('b => ('a set)))
Moreover, I need it instantiated for monotonic predicate transformers,
or at least I need to know that the fixed point of F: L -> L is monotonic
when (F x) is monotonic for all x monotonic.
Best regards,
Florian Haftmann wrote:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC