From: Rolf Drechsler <>
Remember that the deadline for papers submissions is September 11.
Dear colleague,
as an active member in the area of Formal Verification, I would like to
encourage you to submit contributions to the DATE 2006 Conference (Munich,
6 - 10 March 2006).
Submission Deadline: 11 September 2005
The keywords for Topic B9 (Formal and Semi-formal Verification) are:
Formal and semi-formal specification and verification techniques
(such as equivalence checking, model checking, symbolic
simulation, theorem-proving, abstraction and refinement
techniques, real time verification, BDD, SAT and ATPG
related work)
Simulation-based and simulation-assisted semi-formal
verification and validation
Applications and case studies
Formal verification of IPs, SoCs, cores and real-time/
embedded systems
Verification in practice, in particular integration of
verification in the design flow
For more information, see:
Please forward this information to colleagues and interested groups
working in the areas of verification.
Best regards,
Rolf Drechsler
DATE 2006 Topic Chair for Formal and Semi-formal Verification
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC