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Topic: [isabelle] Doing induction on lists "backwards"

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 10:28):

From: Mr Julian Fell <>
Hi, I’m fairly new to Isabelle/HOL so please bear with me if this is obvious.

Is there any way to use an inductive method to prove laststate_seq_stop despite it being defined going backwards over the list, rather than forwards as per the list definition? I can obviously prove the base case, but the inductive step doesn’t match the correct pattern.

datatype ('a) Σ =
state 'a
| abortState

datatype ('σ) step =
| pgm 'σ
| env 'σ

function (sequential, domintros) laststate_seq :: "('σ × ('σ Σ step list)) ⇒ ('σ Σ)" where
"laststate_seq (σ, []) = state σ"
| "laststate_seq (σ, xs) = (case last (xs) of
pgm σ' ⇒ σ'|
env σ' ⇒ σ'|
stop ⇒ (laststate_seq (σ, butlast (xs)))
apply auto
by (metis neq_Nil_conv)

lemma laststate_seq_stop: "last t = stop ⟹ laststate_seq (σ, t) = laststate_seq (σ, (butlast t))"
apply (induct t)
apply (metis butlast.simps(1))

Any help with this would be very much appreciated.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 10:28):

From: Lars Hupel <>
Hi Julian,

this occurs from time to time. I haven't tried out your concrete
example, but there's a rule which could work for your case:
'rev_induct'. You can use it like this:

apply (induction t rule: rev_induct)

Hope that helps.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 10:29):

From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Dear Julian,

if you want to use a different induction schema, you have to provide induct the name of
the induction schema you want. For backwards structural induction over lists, there is
already the theorem rev_induct. So you might try apply(induct t rule: rev_induct)


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 10:29):

From: Peter Lammich <>

datatype ('a) Σ =
state 'a
| abortState

datatype ('σ) step =
| pgm 'σ
| env 'σ

function (sequential, domintros) laststate_seq :: "('σ × ('σ Σ step
list)) ⇒ ('σ Σ)" where
"laststate_seq (σ, []) = state σ"
| "laststate_seq (σ, xs) = (case last (xs) of
pgm σ' ⇒ σ'|
env σ' ⇒ σ'|
stop ⇒ (laststate_seq (σ, butlast
apply auto
by (metis neq_Nil_conv)

* Prove termination of your function *
apply (relation "{} <lex> measure length")
by auto

* Prove a usable simplification rule *
lemma [simp]: "xs ≠[] ⟹ laststate_seq (σ, xs) = (case last (xs) of
pgm σ' ⇒ σ'|
env σ' ⇒ σ'|
stop ⇒ (laststate_seq (σ, butlast
apply (cases xs) apply auto done

lemma laststate_seq_stop: "last t = stop ⟹ laststate_seq (σ, t) =
laststate_seq (σ, (butlast t))"
apply (induct t rule: rev_induct)
apply (metis butlast.simps(1))

* And your lemma is straightforward *
apply auto


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC