From: Mr Julian Fell <>
Hi, I’m fairly new to Isabelle/HOL so please bear with me if this is obvious.
Is there any way to use an inductive method to prove laststate_seq_stop despite it being defined going backwards over the list, rather than forwards as per the list definition? I can obviously prove the base case, but the inductive step doesn’t match the correct pattern.
datatype ('a) Σ =
state 'a
| abortState
datatype ('σ) step =
| pgm 'σ
| env 'σ
function (sequential, domintros) laststate_seq :: "('σ × ('σ Σ step list)) ⇒ ('σ Σ)" where
"laststate_seq (σ, []) = state σ"
| "laststate_seq (σ, xs) = (case last (xs) of
pgm σ' ⇒ σ'|
env σ' ⇒ σ'|
stop ⇒ (laststate_seq (σ, butlast (xs)))
apply auto
by (metis neq_Nil_conv)
lemma laststate_seq_stop: "last t = stop ⟹ laststate_seq (σ, t) = laststate_seq (σ, (butlast t))"
apply (induct t)
apply (metis butlast.simps(1))
Any help with this would be very much appreciated.
From: Lars Hupel <>
Hi Julian,
this occurs from time to time. I haven't tried out your concrete
example, but there's a rule which could work for your case:
'rev_induct'. You can use it like this:
apply (induction t rule: rev_induct)
Hope that helps.
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Dear Julian,
if you want to use a different induction schema, you have to provide induct the name of
the induction schema you want. For backwards structural induction over lists, there is
already the theorem rev_induct. So you might try apply(induct t rule: rev_induct)
From: Peter Lammich <>
datatype ('a) Σ =
state 'a
| abortState
datatype ('σ) step =
| pgm 'σ
| env 'σ
function (sequential, domintros) laststate_seq :: "('σ × ('σ Σ step
list)) ⇒ ('σ Σ)" where
"laststate_seq (σ, []) = state σ"
| "laststate_seq (σ, xs) = (case last (xs) of
pgm σ' ⇒ σ'|
env σ' ⇒ σ'|
stop ⇒ (laststate_seq (σ, butlast
apply auto
by (metis neq_Nil_conv)
* Prove termination of your function *
apply (relation "{} <lex> measure length")
by auto
* Prove a usable simplification rule *
lemma [simp]: "xs ≠[] ⟹ laststate_seq (σ, xs) = (case last (xs) of
pgm σ' ⇒ σ'|
env σ' ⇒ σ'|
stop ⇒ (laststate_seq (σ, butlast
apply (cases xs) apply auto done
lemma laststate_seq_stop: "last t = stop ⟹ laststate_seq (σ, t) =
laststate_seq (σ, (butlast t))"
apply (induct t rule: rev_induct)
apply (metis butlast.simps(1))
* And your lemma is straightforward *
apply auto
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC