From: John Munroe <>
I'm trying to load OrderedGroup.thy into PG, but I keep getting the
error saying:
*** Theory loader: cannot update finished theory "OrderedGroup"
*** At command "theory".
I've already built HOL and HOL-Algebra and have tried both HOL and
HOL-Algebra from the Isabelle|Logic menu.
Any help will be appreciated.
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi John,
OrderedGroup.thy is part of the HOL image already. To use a refined
version of it, you must load an image which does not already contain
OrderedGroup.thy. In your case the HOL-Base image (since Isabelle2009)
is suitable: switch to directory "src/HOL" and execute "isabelle make
HOL-Base". After that PG will offer you HOL-Base in menu
Isabelle/logics. Select this and use OrderedGroup.thy interactively.
To understand dependencies among theories, the diagnostic Isar command
"thy_deps" may prove helpful.
Hope this helps,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC