From: "Eugene W. Stark" <>
Any ideas about the following?
theory Barf
imports Main
datatype 't "term" =
Const 't
| U
| T "'t term * 't term"
| C "'t term * 't term"
| L "'t term"
| L' "'t term"
| R "'t term"
| R' "'t term"
| A "'t term * 't term * 't term"
| A' "'t term * 't term * 't term"
fun F :: "'a term ⇒ int"
where "F (T (T (U, b), c)) = 1 + F (T (U, T (b, c)))"
| "F (T (T (a, b), c)) = 1 + F a + F (T (b, c))"
| "F (T (U, b)) = 1 + F b"
| "F (T (a, U)) = 1 + F a"
| "F (T (a, b)) = (F a) + (F b)"
| "F a = undefined"
(* exception Chr raised (line 268 of "./basis/String.sml") *)
From: Lars Hupel <>
Hi Eugene,
(* exception Chr raised (line 268 of "./basis/String.sml") *)
this is a fun problem!
By looking at the exception trace (to be enabled with "declare
[[ML_exception_trace]]" before "fun"), we can see the culprit:
This function formats the message you see when the function package is
unable to find a termination order. In this specific case it fails
because it tries to come up with some alphabetic index:
val gc = map (fn i => chr (i + 96)) (1 upto length table)
Because there function definition explodes in size internally, the
argument passed to "chr" is simply out of range.
I'm pretty sure the author of the function package did not anticipate
such large functions ...
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Eugene,
The problem seems to be with lexicographic_order (it probably tries to generate some error
or info message in which a conversion to characters fails). If you use size_change in the
termination proof, it works:
function (sequential) F :: "'a term ⇒ int"
where "F (T (T (U, b), c)) = 1 + F (T (U, T (b, c)))"
| "F (T (T (a, b), c)) = 1 + F a + F (T (b, c))"
| "F (T (U, b)) = 1 + F b"
| "F (T (a, U)) = 1 + F a"
| "F (T (a, b)) = (F a) + (F b)"
| "F a = undefined"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by size_change
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC