From: Nemouchi Yakoub <>
Dear all,
For some reason i can not execute more than 1 Jedit process on Windows.
Is it a problem with the Jedit version comming with Isabelle-2016?
Is there any option that i should modify?
Is it a jedit options problem? or for some reasons we can't execute more
than 1 Isabelle-2016 processes on Windows?
When i try to execute Isabelle-2016 twice, Windows print the following
"Windows can not access to the specified file. You don't have
the permissions
to access this element."
PS: the error is a translation from the french version of the message.
From: Makarius <>
In principle, Isabelle2016.exe should be a single-instance desktop
application: when you open it again, it merely reactivates the already
open program as usual. Of course, there can be always technical problems
to prevent this.
What exactly is your Windows version?
What happens when you start Isabelle2016.exe first, and after waiting
a bit, run "isabelle jedit_client" in the Cygwin-Terminal?
With "isabelle jedit" on the command line, it should be possible to run
several jEdit processes, but they can still get into problems when
properties are changed (one or the other version might get lost).
From: Nemouchi Yakoub <>
- What exactly is your Windows version?
I am using Windows 7 64-bits.
- What happens when you start Isabelle2016.exe first, and after waiting
a bit, run "isabelle jedit_client" in the Cygwin-Terminal?
It works fine, with Cygwin i can run multiple processes even if i
executed Isabelle2016.exe
With "isabelle jedit" on the command line, it should be possible to run
several jEdit processes
Yes it is correct and it works fine.
Thank you for the help.
2016-06-08 14:40 GMT+02:00 Makarius <>:
On 07/06/16 23:27, Nemouchi Yakoub wrote:
When i try to execute Isabelle-2016 twice, Windows print the following
error:"Windows can not access to the specified file. You don't have
the permissions
to access this element."In principle, Isabelle2016.exe should be a single-instance desktop
application: when you open it again, it merely reactivates the already
open program as usual. Of course, there can be always technical problems
to prevent this.
What exactly is your Windows version?
What happens when you start Isabelle2016.exe first, and after waiting
a bit, run "isabelle jedit_client" in the Cygwin-Terminal?With "isabelle jedit" on the command line, it should be possible to run
several jEdit processes, but they can still get into problems when
properties are changed (one or the other version might get lost).Makarius
From: Nemouchi Yakoub <>
What i can do is s creen shot of the different instances and the list of
the running processes if you need it to investigate the problem.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC