From: Johannes Hölzl <>
Am Mittwoch, den 08.08.2012, 22:28 +0200 schrieb Jasmin Blanchette:
Am 08.08.2012 um 22:01 schrieb Brian Huffman:
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Florian Haftmann
<> wrote:
once I have heard about a formalisation to execute real numbers as
approximating functions, i.e. where each real number r is implemented
using a functionR :: nat => float
such that R n equals r approximated to the n-th digit (or something
similar).Can somebody give me a reference for that?
Russell O'Connor has implemented a similar representation of the
computable reals in Coq:Section 4 of Johannes's PLMMS '09 paper [1] states that Harrison's Ph.D. thesis [2] has something like that (with "nat => int"), but I couldn't find it in the thesis (cf. Sects. 2.3 to 2.7). The "positional expansion" of 2.4 seems the most closely related, but from what I understand it yields one digit at a time, not an approximation. Maybe Johannes can expand on this.
I'm refering to Section "4.5 Calculation with reals" of [2] where
Harrison shows how he approximates reals with a sequence of integers.
Generating theorems of the form:
| k - x * 2^n | < 1
Here k / 2^n is a approximation of x with an error < 1 / 2^n. In Section
2 Harrison describes how he constructs the real numbers for abstract
reasoning. In Section 4 he gives a computational approach.
From: Freek Wiedijk <>
Hi Florian and Brian,
Bas Spitters points out to me that only in the work that
he and Robbert Krebbers did (which was a continuation of
Russell's work) floats were used in the representations.
Russell used rational numbers, I think.
I think that this move to floats (and other things that
they did, I'm sure) made the computations much faster.
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi all,
once I have heard about a formalisation to execute real numbers as
approximating functions, i.e. where each real number r is implemented
using a function
R :: nat => float
such that R n equals r approximated to the n-th digit (or something
Can somebody give me a reference for that?
Thanks a lot,
From: Brian Huffman <>
Russell O'Connor has implemented a similar representation of the
computable reals in Coq:
This page contains links to a couple of related papers.
From: Jasmin Blanchette <>
Section 4 of Johannes's PLMMS '09 paper [1] states that Harrison's Ph.D. thesis [2] has something like that (with "nat => int"), but I couldn't find it in the thesis (cf. Sects. 2.3 to 2.7). The "positional expansion" of 2.4 seems the most closely related, but from what I understand it yields one digit at a time, not an approximation. Maybe Johannes can expand on this.
From: "Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57 )" <>
I'm far from being a math guru, but I dislike so called “reals” in
computer programs. You have alternatives like fixed‑point arithmetic
(common in the Ada world). Or you can work on an integer range instead of
working on a “real range” (ex. do you computation in the range 0::nat to
1000::nat instead in the range 0.0 to 1.0, as an example). If I'm not
wrong, I suspect it to be exactly the same as fixed point arithmetic, but
better ask a math or safe system guru.
Was my two cents beside of the two other replies.
From: Brian Huffman <>
The construction John Harrison describes in his thesis is very similar
to the "Eudoxus reals"; see paper by Rob Arthan:
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