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Topic: [isabelle] Extracting proof terms.

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 13:40):

From: Bart Kastermans <Bart.Kastermans@Colorado.EDU>
I am looking for pointers on how to extract information
about proofs from Isabelle.

Say I have some simple proof such as:

assumes "A" and "C"
shows "B --> (A --> C)"
assume "B"
from A show "(A --> C)" using C ..

I would like to
1) extract the proof term,
2) find out which rules .. used to prove the lemma.

Thanks for the help.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 13:41):

From: Stefan Berghofer <>
Bart Kastermans wrote:
Hi Bart,

you can use the prf and full_prf commands to inspect proof terms:

lemma test:
assumes "A" and "C"
shows "B --> (A --> C)"
assume "B"
show "(A --> C)" using C .. full_prf

full_prf test

The commands can either be used inside a proof, e.g. after the ..
proof method, in which case they just print the proof term corresponding
to the current proof state, or on the theory level. In the latter
case, the commands expect the name of a theorem as an argument,
whose proof term should be printed. In contrast to the full_prf
command, the prf command shows the "compact" version of the proof,
where some (reconstructable) arguments of the inference rules have been
omitted. In order for these commands to work properly, you have to switch
on proof terms for your current session by selecting
Isabelle -> Settings -> Full Proofs in ProofGeneral. Moreover,
your HOL image must have been compiled with support for proof terms
switched on, which can be achieved by adding


to your .isabelle/etc/settings file.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 13:41):

From: Makarius <>
BTW, this is already the default for the precompiled image from the
Isabelle download site. There is normally no need to reconfigure and
compile yourself.


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC