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Topic: [isabelle] FESCA@ETAPS 2015: CfP for 12th International W...

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From: Lucia Happe <>
*** Please accept our apologies should you receive multiple copies of this
call from different lists. ***


Please, consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups
the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results
to FESCA 2015.


Call for Papers

- FESCA 2015 -

12th International Workshop on Formal Engineering

approaches to Software Components and Architectures

Satellite event of ETAPS

April 12th, 2015, London, UK


* Paper registration: December 10, 2014

* Submission deadline: December 17, 2014

* Notification of acceptance: January 26, 2015



In recent years, the growing importance of functional correctness and the
increased relevance of system quality properties (e.g. performance,
reliability, security) have stimulated the emergence of analytical and
modelling techniques for the design and development of software systems.
With the increasing complexity of today's software systems, FESCA aims at
addressing two research questions: (1) what role the software architecture
can play in systematic addressing of the analytical and modelling
challenges, and (2) how formal and semi-formal techniques can be applied
effectively to make the issues easier to address automatically, with lower
human intervention.


We encourage submissions on (semi-)formal techniques and their application
that aid analysis, design and implementation of software applications,
including the techniques in the realm of Model-Driven Development.

In this context, the topics include (but are not limited to):

We encourage not only mature research results, submissions presenting
innovative ideas and early results of junior researchers are also of a
particular interest.


Three kinds of submissions are solicited:


* Final versions of accepted regular, position and tool papers will be
published in a volume of the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer
Science (EPTCS).


* Paper registration: December 10, 2014

* Submission deadline: December 17, 2014

* Notification of acceptance: January 26, 2015

* Final versions due: February 16, 2015

* Workshop date: April 12, 2015


* Premysl Brada (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic)

* Ivana Cerna (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

* Yanja Dajsuren (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)

* Antinisca Di Marco (Universita dell'Aquila, Italy)

* Petr Hnetynka (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)

* Samuel Kounev (Universitat Wuerzburg, Germany)

* Ralf Kuesters (Universitat Trier, Germany)

* Markus Lumpe (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)

* Daniel Menasche (UFRJ, Brazil)

* Raffaela Mirandola (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

* Dorina Petriu (Carleton Univesity, USA)

* Nadia Polikarpova (ETH Zuerich, Switzerland)

* Ralf Reussner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)

* Cristina Seceleanu (Malardalen University, Sweden)

* Catia Trubiani (Universita dell'Aquila, Italy)

* Steffen Zschaler (King's College London, UK)


* Barbora Buhnova (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

* Lucia Happe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)

* Jan Kofron (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC