From: Dale Miller <>
Preliminary Call for Papers/Extended Abstracts
FICS 2012 Workshop
March 24, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia
Satellite workshop to ETAPS 2012
Important dates:
Abstract submission: 4 Dec 2011
Paper submission: 11 Dec 2011
Notification: 21 Jan 2012
Final version: 5 Feb 2012
Fixed points play a fundamental role in several areas of computer science
and logic by justifying induction and recursive definitions. The
construction and properties of fixed points have been investigated in many
different frameworks such as: design and implementation of programming
languages, program logics, databases. The aim of this workshop is to
provide a forum for researchers to present their results to those members
of the computer science and logic communities who study or apply the
theory of fixed points. Previous workshops were held in Brno (1998,
MFCS/CSL workshop), Paris (2000, LC workshop), Florence (2001, PLI
workshop), Copenhagen (2002, LICS (FLoC) workshop), Warsaw (2003, ETAPS
workshop), Coimbra (2009, CSL workshop) and Brno (2010, MFCS/CSL
Topics include, but are not restricted to:
* categorical, metric and ordered fixed point models
* fixed points in algebra and coalgebra
* fixed points in languages and automata
* fixed points in programming language semantics
* the mu-calculus and fixed points in modal logic
* fixed points in process algebras and process calculi
* fixed points in the lambda-calculus, functional programming and type
* fixed points in relation to dataflow and circuits
* fixed points in logic programming and theorem proving
* finite model theory, descriptive complexity theory, fixed points in
Invited speakers: TBA
Selection of contributed talks is based on extended abstracts/short papers
of 6 pages formatted with easychair.cls. Submission is via EasyChair in
two stages: titles and abstracts by 4 December, and extended
abstracts/short papers by 11 December. The authors will be notified of
acceptance/rejection by 21 January 2012. We will distribute the short
papers presented at the meeting via the open source repository EPTCS.
Journal publication:
If the number and quality of submissions and accepted talks warrant this,
a special issue of an internationally recognized journal devoted to the
event will be published.
FICS Program Committee:
PC co-Chairs:
* Dale Miller, INRIA-Saclay, France
* Zoltan Esik, University of Szeged, Hungary
PC members:
* Achim Jung, University of Birmingham, UK
* Arnaud Carayol, Institut Gaspard-Monge, France
* David Baelde, University of Paris 11, France
* Fabio Gadducci, University of Pisa, Italy
* Igor Walukiewicz, LaBRI Bordeaux, France
* Irene Guessarian, University of Paris 7, France
* Jan Rutten, Radboud University, Holland
* Julian Bradfield, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Luigi Santocanale, Université Aix-Marseille I, France
* Ralph Matthes, IRIT Toulouse, France
* Stephan Kreutzer, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
* Tarmo Uustalu, Institute of Cybernetics, Estonia
* Wan Fokkink, Vrije Universiteit, Holland
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC