From: Lee Pike <>
FMCAD 2008
International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
November 17-20, 2008
Embassy Suites Portland--Downtown
Portland, Oregon
Paper Submission Deadline: May 12, 2008
Author Feedback: June 19-22, 2008
Acceptance Notification: July 3, 2008
Final Version Due: August 17, 2008 (To be confirmed)
Early Registration Deadline: October 14, 2008
Hotel Registration Deadline: October 17, 2008 (To be confirmed)
FMCAD 2008 is the eighth in a series of conferences on the theory and
application of formal methods in hardware and system design and
verification. In 2005, the bi-annual FMCAD and sister conference
CHARME decided to merge to form an annual conference with a unified
community. The resulting unified FMCAD provides a leading
international forum to researchers and practitioners in academia and
industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods,
technologies, theoretical results, and tools for formally reasoning
about computing systems, as well as open challenges therein. Topics
of interest for the technical program include, but are not limited to:
* Foundations: advancing industrial-strength technologies in model
checking, theorem proving, equivalence checking, abstraction and
refinement techniques, property-preserving reduction techniques,
compositional methods, decision procedures, SAT- and BDD-based
methods, combining deductive methods with decision procedures, and
probabilistic methods.
* Verification applications: tools, industrial experience reports,
and case studies. We encourage the submission of materials
relating to novel and challenging industrial-scale applications of
formal methods, including problem domains where formal methods
worked well or even fell short. We also encourage submissions
relating to the development and execution of methodologies for
formal and informal verification strategies.
* Applications of formal methods in design: topics relating to the
application and applicability of assertion-based verification,
equivalence checking, transaction-level verification, semi-formal
verification, runtime verification, simulation and testcase
generation, coverage analysis, microcode verification, embedded
systems, software verification, concurrent systems, timing
verification, and formal approaches to performance and power.
* Model-based approaches: modeling and specification languages,
system-level design and verification, design derivation and
transformation, and correct-by-construction methods.
* Formal methods for the design and verification of emerging and
novel technologies: nano, quantum, biological, video, gaming, and
multimedia applications.
Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format through the
submissions tab of the FMCAD'08 web site, The
proceedings will be published by ACM and will be available online in
the ACM Digital Library and the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Two
categories of papers can be submitted: regular papers (8 pages),
containing original research that has not been previously published,
nor concurrently submitted for publication; and short papers (4
pages), describing applications, case studies, industrial experience
reports, emerging results, or implemented tools with novel features.
Regular and short papers must use the IEEE Transactions format on
letter-size paper with a 10-point font size (see We
recommend that self-citations be written in the third person, though
authors will be required to identify themselves on their submissions.
Submissions must contain original research that has not been
previously published, nor concurrently submitted for publication. Any
partial overlap with any published or concurrently submitted paper
must be clearly indicated. If experimental results are reported,
authors are strongly encouraged to provide adequate access to their
data so that results can be independently verified.
A small number of accepted papers will be considered for a
distinguished paper award.
Chairs: Alessandro Cimatti, FBK-irst, Italy
Robert B. Jones, Intel, USA
Local Arrangements: Annette Bunker, Intel, USA
Panels: Carl Pixley, Synopsys, USA
Publicity: Lee Pike, Galois Inc., USA
Tutorials: Anna Slobodova, Intel, USA
Webmasters: Anders Franzen, FBK-irst, Italy
Alberto Griggio, University of Trento, Italy
Steering Committee: Jason Baumgartner, IBM, USA
Aarti Gupta, NEC, USA
Warren A. Hunt, Jr., University of Texas, USA
Pete Manolios, Northeastern University, USA
Mary Sheeran, Chalmers, USA
* Mark Aagaard, University of Waterloo, Canada
* Jason Baumgartner, IBM Corporation, USA
* Valeria Bertacco, University of Michigan, USA
* Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Per Bjesse, Synopsys, USA
* Roderick Bloem, TU Graz, Austria
* Dominique Borrione, Grenoble University, France
* Gianpiero Cabodi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
* Alessandro Cimatti (co-chair), FBK-irst, Trento, Italy
* Koen Claessen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
* Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah, USA
* Aarti Gupta, NEC Laboratories America, USA
* Alan J. Hu, University of British Columbia, Canada
* Robert Jones (co-chair), Intel Corp., USA
* Daniel Kroening, Oxford University, UK
* Andreas Kuehlmann, Cadence Laboratories, USA
* Wolfgang Kunz, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
* Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft, USA
* Jeremy Levitt, Mentor Graphics, USA
* Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University, USA
* Andy Martin, IBM Research Division, USA
* Tom Melham, Oxford University, UK
* Ken McMillan, Cadence Labs, USA
* John O'Leary, Intel Corp., USA
* Lee Pike, Galois Inc., USA
* Rajeev Ranjan, Jasper Design Automation, USA
* Sandip Ray, University of Texas at Austin, USA
* Alper Sen, Freescale Austin, USA
* Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano, Switzerland
* Eli Singerman, Intel Corp., Israel
* Fei Xie, Portland State U., USA
* Karen Yorav, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, Israel
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC