From: John Wickerson <>
Dear Isabelle,
This question is directed at anybody familiar with the Finite_Set theory...
... in particular, the Finite_Set.fold functional. Consider the term
Finite_Set.fold f s A
Various lemmas (e.g. Finite_Set.comp_fun_commute.fold_image) require me to show that f satisfies the "comp_fun_commute" property, i.e.
(1) f x o f y = f y o f x
for all x and y. This is too strong a requirement for me. I can show that (1) holds for all x and y in A, but not for all x and y in general. Morally, I should only have to show that f commutes when given inputs drawn from A.
It would be quite a bit of hassle for me to convert these lemmas to stronger versions. So I was wondering if anybody has come across this problem before, or knows how to easily strengthen these lemmas, or has any other advice on this topic?
From: Peter Lammich <>
An alternative is to use an invariant rule, i.e., something like:
I s a0 !!x s a. [| I s a; x\in s |] ==> I (s-{x}) (f x a)
------------------------------------------------------------ if finite s
I {} (fold f s a0)
or, alternatively, show that your proposition holds for folding over any
distinct list representing the set:
!!l. [| distinct l; set l = s |] ==> P (foldl f l a0)
-------------------------------------------------------- if finite s
P (fold f s a0)
Both rules (modulo my typos) should be provable by induction over the
finite set s.
From: John Wickerson <>
Hi Peter, thanks very much for this. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I don't understand how either of these approaches would help. I think I would still need to reason about terms like
fold f s (insert a A)
in order to complete the induction, and I can't reason about such terms without knowing that f satisfies the "comp_fun_commute" property.
Let me state my problem more concretely...
Finite_Set provides the following lemma (the first assumption comes from the context "comp_fun_commute"):
lemma fold_image:
assumes "⋀x y. f x ∘ f y = f y ∘ f x"
assumes "finite A" and "inj_on g A"
shows "fold f x (g ` A) = fold (f ∘ g) x A"
But I want the following lemma:
lemma fold_image_stronger:
assumes "⋀x y. ⟦ x ∈ A ; y ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ f x ∘ f y = f y ∘ f x"
assumes "finite A" and "inj_on g A"
shows "fold f x (g ` A) = fold (f ∘ g) x A"
How might I prove it? It's tricky because all the other lemmas about Finite_Set.fold are in the "comp_fun_commute" context where
⋀x y. f x ∘ f y = f y ∘ f x
holds, whereas I only have the weaker property
⋀x y. ⟦ x ∈ A ; y ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ f x ∘ f y = f y ∘ f x
available to me.
Thanks very much,
On 19 Feb 2013, at 16:38, Peter Lammich wrote:
An alternative is to use an invariant rule, i.e., something like:
I s a0 !!x s a. [| I s a; x\in s |] ==> I (s-{x}) (f x a)
------------------------------------------------------------ if finite s
I {} (fold f s a0)or, alternatively, show that your proposition holds for folding over any
distinct list representing the set:!!l. [| distinct l; set l = s |] ==> P (foldl f l a0)
-------------------------------------------------------- if finite s
P (fold f s a0)Both rules (modulo my typos) should be provable by induction over the
finite set s.--
PeterOn Di, 2013-02-19 at 16:01 +0100, John Wickerson wrote:
Dear Isabelle,
This question is directed at anybody familiar with the Finite_Set theory...
... in particular, the Finite_Set.fold functional. Consider the term
Finite_Set.fold f s A
Various lemmas (e.g. Finite_Set.comp_fun_commute.fold_image) require me to show that f satisfies the "comp_fun_commute" property, i.e.
(1) f x o f y = f y o f x
for all x and y. This is too strong a requirement for me. I can show that (1) holds for all x and y in A, but not for all x and y in general. Morally, I should only have to show that f commutes when given inputs drawn from A.
It would be quite a bit of hassle for me to convert these lemmas to stronger versions. So I was wondering if anybody has come across this problem before, or knows how to easily strengthen these lemmas, or has any other advice on this topic?
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Is your desired theorem true?
I would find it easier to believe if it also assumed "x : A" and "g ` A <= A".
Larry Paulson
From: John Wickerson <>
Mm, yes, my mistake. The domain of f should be "g ` A" rather than just "A". So the theorem should be:
From: Peter Lammich <>
Hi John.
Sorry for the confusion with the invariant rules. They hold (if the
property P admits only one result) but are probably not very useful to
prove your stronger fold_image rule.
To prove that (even a stronger one) you can exploit the fact that the
definition of fold does not depend on this strange locale with too
strong assumptions, but on an inductively defined predicate fold_graph,
that contains the results of all possible fold orderings.
Here is the proof of your fold_image_stronger, but you do not need the
first two assumptions at all!
Please excuse the aux-lemmas and the not very elaborated proofs:
theorem fold_image_even_stronger:
assumes I: "inj_on g A"
shows "Finite_Set.fold f x (g`A) = Finite_Set.fold (f o g) x A"
oops (*Proof comes below, first need to show some aux-lemmas *)
lemma inj_img_insertE:
assumes I: "inj_on f s"
assumes N: "x\<notin>r"
assumes E: "insert x r = fs"
obtains x' s' where "s=insert x' s'" and "x'\<notin>s'"
and "x = f x'" and "r = f
proof -
from E have "x\<in>fs" by auto
then obtain x' where "x'\<in>s" and "x = f x'" by auto
hence "s = insert x' (s - {x'})" by auto
have "r = f
(s - {x'})" apply auto
apply (metis (no_types) Diff_insert_absorb E I N
s = insert x' (s - {x'})
x = f x'
image_insert inj_on_insert
insertI1 insert_Diff1)
by (metis E I x = f x'
x' \<in> s
imageI inj_on_contraD insertE)
show ?thesis
apply rule
apply fact
apply simp
apply fact+
lemma fold_graph_image:
"inj_on g s \<Longrightarrow> fold_graph f a (gs) r
\<longleftrightarrow> fold_graph (f o g) a s r"
case goal1
from goal1(2,1) show ?case
proof (induct "g
s" r arbitrary: s rule: fold_graph.induct)
case emptyI thus ?case by (auto intro: fold_graph.emptyI)
case (insertI x A r s)
with inj_img_insertE obtain x' A' where
"x'\<notin>A'" and [simp]: "s = insert x' A'" "x = g x'" "A=gA'"
by metis
with insertI.hyps(3)[of A'] insertI.prems
have FG: "fold_graph (f o g) a A' r"
by auto
from fold_graph.insertI[OF
x'\<notin>A' FG]
show ?case by simp
case goal2
from goal2(2,1) show ?case
proof (induct rule: fold_graph.induct)
case emptyI thus ?case by (auto intro: fold_graph.emptyI)
case (insertI x A r)
hence FG: "fold_graph f a (g
A) r" by simp
from x\<notin>A
insertI.prems have N: "g x \<notin> g`A" by auto
from fold_graph.insertI[OF N FG] show ?case by simp
lemma fold_graph_image':
"inj_on g s \<Longrightarrow> fold_graph f a (g`s) = fold_graph (f o
g) a s"
by (rule ext) (rule fold_graph_image)
theorem fold_image_even_stronger:
assumes I: "inj_on g A"
shows "Finite_Set.fold f x (g`A) = Finite_Set.fold (f o g) x A"
unfolding Finite_Set.fold_def
by (simp add: fold_graph_image'[OF I, of f x])
From: John Wickerson <>
Awesome! Thanks so much Peter, that's really kind of you.
From: John Wickerson <>
Just a thought: since "fold_image_even_stronger" needs only a subset of the assumptions needed by "Finite_Set.fold_image", perhaps your new theorem should replace the one in the HOL library?
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
I have that on my radar.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC