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Topic: [isabelle] Goedel's Proof

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 20:14):

From: Jens Doll <>
Hello all,

now I've got 50 JAVA/C functions similar to

----------- function 1 out of 46 -------------------
// 1. Proposition
// x is divisible by y
BOOL divisible(NAT x, NAT y) {
NAT i;
for (i=1;(i<=y);i++)
if (x==y*z)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;}
--------------------- end of function------------------------------

and I don't know how to transpose them into Isabelle proofs/theorems

Is anyone interested and willing to help me investigate the stuff?


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 20:15):

From: Jens Doll <>
Thanks, John, it was an error in transcription. Here are the first three.I
hope the html marking will also be transmitted ..

// 1\. Proposition
// x is divisible by y
BOOL divisible(NAT x, NAT y) {
NAT z;
for (z=1;(z<=y);z++)
if (x==y*z)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;}

// 2\. Proposition
// x is a prime number
BOOL Prim(NAT x) {
NAT z;
for (z=1;(z<=x);z++)
if (z!=1)
if (z!=x)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;}

// 3\. Function
// the n-th prime number contained in x
NAT Pr2(NAT n, NAT x) {
NAT y;
if (n==0) return 0;
else {
for (y=1;(y<=x);y++) {
if (Prim(y))
if (divisible(x,y))
if (y>Pr2(n-1,x))
return y;

return 0;}

Best Regards
Jens Doll

Am 26.06.2012 09:08, schrieb John Wickerson:

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 08:06):

From: Jens Doll <>
Dear Isabelle users,

in order to have an imagination of what Kurt Goedel achieved in 1930 when he
proved that formally undecidable propositions (of Principia Mathematica)
exist, I did some implementation work based on his 46+ functions used in the
proof. I constructed macros EXISTS and FORALL and implemented them practically
as C functions (with some natural number arithmetic), where an EXISTS consists
of simple counting and testing all possibilities. Soon after having
implemented and run some of these functions I came to a very practical border:
functions like Gl n x or Typ x, where x is a supposed to be a sequence of
numbers, are practically not computable. Despite of that I have an
intermediate result consisting of

* the [46+ functions]( as EXISTS/FORALL macros, a formal language (aiming at Isabelle)
* a little windows program* which implements these functions (caveat, only the simple ones come to completion!)
* a command line interface for natural number processing , e.g. >goedel pow 12 1500 gives the digit sequence of attachment 1

If anyone should be interested in these software artefacts or is willing to
make an Isabelle proof out of them (!!), he/she is invited to comment them or
give a different feedback to me - thanks.

Happy reasoning,

attachment 1

goedel pow 12 1500


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 08:07):

From: Lawrence Paulson <>
It isn't that surprising that you can't compute these functions if they represent logical formulas by integers. However, Gödel-numbering can equivalently be done using Lisp S-expressions. (Strictly speaking, these should be the hereditarily finite sets, where order is ignored.) If you allow yourself a number of distinct atoms as a starting point, your data structures and proofs might actually become intelligible.

The danger perhaps is that it would start to look too much like an ordinary proof checker coded in Lisp. Shankar's 1986 formalisation of Gödel's incompleteness theorem using nqthm comes to mind. As I recall, he wrote an entire proof-checker for first-order logic within nqthm's Lisp-like formalism.

Larry Paulson

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 19 2022 at 09:00):

From: Jens Doll <>
Hello all,

having published Version 0.87 of my program Goedel I would like to
ask the community for help:

*** Who is willing and able to produce Isabelle sources out of the 46+
which I implemented in the C language?

It might be interesting for proof technology and looks quite simple: take the
use the C preprocessor and generate Isabelle functions from them.

Go ahead, it's thrilling ...


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC