From: Florian Haftmann <>
Dear Isabelle users,
up until Isabelle2016 there has been a neat tool called Haskabelle
( allowing to import Haskell
source files into Isabelle/HOL theories (within certain bounds).
As it seems, this is no longer maintained.
My impression is that Haskabelle is maybe not used for big projects but
a neat tool for beginners to get acquainted with Isabelle/HOL.
How do Isabelle users see Haskabelle? That question is important since
there are considerable maintainance efforts required to make it usable
again within the contemporary biotope (somewhere around GHC 7.10.3 and
Being curious for your responses,
From: Andrew Butterfield <>
Dear Florian and Isabelle Users,
we (Artur Gomes and myself) are currently using it on a project to very code written in Haskell
I'd be interested in getting it up-to-date again, but am not sure how time I could spare
Regards, Andrew
Andrew Butterfield
School of Computer Science & Statistics
Trinity College
Dublin 2, Ireland
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
I have never used it myself, but a tool to assist in verifying Haskell programs seems potentially important.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC