From: Jens Doll <>
There is a new document on how to install Isabelle in a Windows environment:
The system now works on my machines, Win XP as well as Win 7.
From: Sascha Boehme <>
Just for the records: The description pointed out below is an extended
version of what is written at [1] and might be suitable for
unexperienced users (especially with respect to Cygwin).
BTW, I can confirm that Isabelle/jEdit also runs on Windows 8 Consumer
Quoting Jens Doll <>:
From: Jens Doll <>
That's right, the new HowTo contains 5 rephrased lines from the Isabelle
website. The original lines were too scarcly written to be fully useful
for someone new in the field. In general you cannot presume that every
user works on Linux, which is a network OS. Desktop OS's are Windows or iOS.
From: Jens Doll <>
I should have written (i)OS(X) instead, or do you believe that there is
a big difference between iOS and OSX?
From: "Tim (McKenzie) Makarios" <>
I haven't used OSX for a long time, and I've never used iOS. My comment
was primarily informed by users of iOS. You see, I saw peculiar
messages like "Sent from my iPad" on emails from some people, and when I
asked why their emails ended this way, they told me that it was an
apology (very opaque, if you ask me) for the brevity of their email, and
any errors in it, because (they said) the iPad (or iPhone) was not good
for writing text.
From: Alexander Krauss <>
This discussion is totally off-topic on the Isabelle mailing list.
From: Mark Wassell <>
As an aside, one option when you need to run Isabelle on a Windows
platform, is to use VMPlayer hosting your favourite Linux OS.
Whilst this might seem complex, the steps involved (ie installing Linux)
are more established and less prone to error.
From: Makarius <>
On Tue, 17 Jul 2012, Mark Wassell wrote:
As an aside, one option when you need to run Isabelle on a Windows
platform, is to use VMPlayer hosting your favourite Linux OS.
I prefer which is not just a player, but a
full virtual machine. It allows arbitary combinations of host vs. guest
systems: Linux, Mac OS, Windows, in almost all combinations.
Whilst this might seem complex, the steps involved (ie installing Linux)
are more established and less prone to error.
Over the years, the Isabelle distribution has moved more and more towards
full Windows support. I was reluctant to do that in the past, because it
is a lot of extra work, but Mac OS X also tends to suck up a lot of extra
resources. Personally, I would prefer to have Linux as the one and only
one operating system, but Isabelle is targeted for the world out there,
not just for my own machine (Macbook Pro with Ubuntu).
For some reason, many mathematicians seem to prefer Windows, so it needs
to be taken seriously.
From: Makarius <>
I see these notes for Isabelle2011-1 again after the Isabelle2012 release
from May. Is there anything left to say concerning Isabelle Installation
for Windows? Most of the above-mentioned text should be obsolete.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC