From: Wolfgang Jeltsch <>
The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual says that \<^descr>
can be used to
mark up description list items. However, a description list item
contains two parts: a term and a description. How do you specify what
the term and what the description is?
All the best,
From: Makarius <>
You merely let LaTeX do it: \<^descr>[abc] blah
You can see this in the existing documents, e.g. $ISABELLE_HOME/src/Doc/.
From: Wolfgang Jeltsch <>
Hmm, it seems a bit inconsistent that the markup that tells it’s a
description item is part of Isabelle but the markup that distinguishes
the term from the description is not. Are there any plans to introduce
Isabelle markup for the latter as well?
All the best,
From: Makarius <>
Isabelle/PIDE markup is always an approximation, and gradually becomes
more complete over the years.
For \<^descr> the plan is to have the Isabelle Markdown parser accept
the LaTeX syntax and report its structure properly.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC