From: Anh Le <>
Hi everyone,
Is there any way that we can use Isabelle/Isar as a compiler?
For example, how do we run a command like:
$ ./isabelle MyTheory.thy
And then isabelle will do as the Proof General processes the whole buffer,
and will return the first found error if it exists.
Thank you
From: Christian Sternagel <>
the corresponding command is
isabelle usedir -b HOL Name-of-output-Heap
reading the name of the used theory from the file ROOT.ML. In your case
this should contain:
use_thys ["MyTheory"];
In the above command, HOL is the name of the underlying heap image und
the last argument is the name which you choose for the resulting heap image.
For a detailed description see the isabelle system manual, i.e.,
isabelle doc system
(starting on page 20 in the documentation for Isabelle2011).
From: Sree Harsha Totakura <>
Recently I wrote a small expect script to do the same, it is attached along
with this mail. It uses the Isabelle tty tool. You should copy (don't link)
it to your isabelle_home/bin directory where the 'isabelle' script resides.
The script needs 'expect' tool to be present in /usr/bin/
You can use this tool by passing your theory file as an argument. If
successful it returns 0 else 1.
Ex: bin/thm-validator test.thy
Sree Harsha Totakura
Technische Universität München
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC