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Topic: [isabelle] IFM 2005: Call for Participation

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From: Graeme Smith <>

Fifth International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM)

November 30 - December 2, 2005
Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Patrice Godefroid - Bell Labs (USA)
David Parnas - University of Limerick (Ireland), McMaster University (Canada)
Doron Peled - University of Warwick (UK)


Holger Hermanns - Saarland University (Germany)


IFM2005 is hosted by the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
(TU/e). Eindhoven is the largest city of the southern Netherlands and
the fifth largest in the Netherlands as a whole. It is a diverse city
offering innovation and technology, as well as cultural activities
(museums, theatre and music), and leading in sports such as swimming
(Olympic champion Pieter van den Hoogenband) and soccer (PSV). In the
region of Eindhoven, well-known companies such as Philips, ASML and
DAF, and dozens of other engineering companies are situated.

Eindhoven and the TU/e campus are easily reachable by plane (Eindhoven
Airport) and train (also from Schiphol Airport).


At the IFM web site, the registration page can be found. The early
registration deadline is October 2nd, 2005.

The registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, attendance of
the tutorial and the main conference, lunches, refreshments in the
coffee breaks, a welcome reception, an excursion and dinner banquet.


Jaco van de Pol, CWI, The Netherlands
Judi Romijn, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Graeme Smith, University of Queensland, Australia


Adaptive Techniques for Specification Matching in Embedded Systems: A
Comparative Study
Robi Malik and Partha S. Roop

A Fixpoint Semantics of Event Systems with and without Fairness
Hector Ruiz Barradas and Didier Bert

Agile Formal Method Engineering
Richard Paige and Phil Brooke

An Automated Failure Mode and Effect Analysis based on High-Level
Design Specification with Behavior Trees
Lars Grunske, Peter Lindsay, Nisansala Yatapanage and Kirsten Winter

An Integrated Framework for Scenarios and State Machines
Bikram Sengupta and Rance Cleaveland

Chunks: component verification in CSPB
Helen Treharne, Steve Schneider and Neil Evans

Consistency Checking of Sequence Diagrams and Statechart Diagrams
Using the pi-Calculus
Vitus Lam and Julian Padget

Consistency in UML and B multi-view specifications
Dieu Donne Okalas Ossami, Jean-Pierre Jacquot and Jeanine Souquieres

CZT Support for Z Extensions
Tim Miller, Leo Freitas, Petra Malik and Mark Utting

Development of Fault Tolerant Grid Applications Using Distributed B
Pontus Bostrom and Marina Walden

Embedding the Stable Failures Model of CSP in PVS
Kun Wei and James Heather

Enabling Security Testing from Specification to Code
Shane Bracher and Padmanabhan Krishnan

Exp.Open 2.0: A flexible tool for combining partial order,
compositional, and on-the-fly verification methods
Frederic Lang

Formal methods meet Domain Specific Languages
Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali, Julia Lawall and Gilles Muller

Formalising Interactive Voice Services with SDL
Kenneth Turner

Model-based Prototyping of an Interoperability Protocol for Mobile
Ad-hoc Networks
Peder Christian Norgaard, Michael Westergaard and Lars Kristensen

Synthesizing B Specifications from EB3 Attribute Definitions
Frederic Gervais, Marc Frappier and Regine Laleau

State/Event Software Verification for Branching-Time Specifications
Sagar Chaki, Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Joel Ouaknine and Natasha

Translating Hardware Process Algebras into Standard Process Algebras
-- Illustration with CHP and LOTOS
Gwen Salaun and Wendelin Serwe


IFM2005 is sponsored by FME and BCS-FACS.

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC