From: Lennart Beringer <eberinge@CS.Princeton.EDU>
Interested parties are invited to start making travel arrangements for the
3rd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving
August 13 - 15, 2012, Princeton, NJ
with colocated workshops on Coq and Isabelle on August 12th.
Registration will be available via the conference web site shortly.
Highlights of the conference:
- Pre-conference reception Sunday, August 12th;
open to conference and workshop participants.
- Start of technical program: 9am, Monday August 13th
- 3 invited speakers:
Gilles Barthe (IMDEA Madrid)
Larry Paulson (Cambridge)
Andre Platzer (CMU)
- Tutorial on Abella by Andrew Gacek (Rockwell Collins)
- 21 technical papers, 4 rough diamonds
- Outdoor event: canoeing/kayaking on the Delaware & Raritan Canal
- BBQ at the shore of Carnegie Lake
- End of conference: around 5pm, Wednesday August 15th
Associated workshops (August 12):
Isabelle Users Workshop 2012 (
The 4th Coq Workshop (
Accommodation options (please see conference web page for details):
- Hotel: Nassau Inn ( $135pppn + Tax, incl breakfast
Booking is under the responsibility of the conference attendees.
Please mention "ITP 2012" when making a reservation to obtain the
above rate.
- Student Dormitory: "Scully Hall": $60pppn incl breakfast.
Booking will be part of conference registration process.
Travel (again see conference web page for details):
We strongly recommend flying to/from Newark International
Airport (Airport code: EWR). Other airports in the area (JKF, La
Guardia, Philadelphia) are possible but significantly less convenient.
Conference registration:
- early registration will open within next 2 weeks
- late registration rates apply after July 22nd
- registration options include conference-only, workshops-only,
and conference+workshops
- reduced student rates available for all categories
Andrew Appel, Lennart Beringer, Amy Felty
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC