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Topic: [isabelle] IWC 2018 - 1st Call for Papers

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From: Bertram Felgenhauer via Cl-isabelle-users <>
(As usual, apologies for multiple copies)

Is your simpset confluent? ;-)

Call for Papers
IWC 2018
7th International Workshop on Confluence

July 7th, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
Collocated with FSCD 2018
Part of FLoC 2018

Confluence provides a general notion of determinism and is widely
viewed as one of the central properties of rewriting. Confluence
relates to many topics of rewriting (completion, modularity,
termination, commutation, etc.) and has been investigated in many
formalisms of rewriting such as first-order rewriting, lambda-calculi,
higher-order rewriting, constrained rewriting, conditional rewriting,
etc. Recently there is a renewed interest in confluence research,
resulting in new techniques, tool support, certification as well as
new applications.

The International Workshop on Confluence (IWC) aims at promoting
further research in confluence and related properties. IWC 2018 is
collocated with FSCD 2017. Previous editions of the workshop were held
in Nagoya (2012), Eindhoven (2013), Vienna (2014), Berlin (2015),
Obergurgl (2016), and Oxford (2017).


Specific topics of interest include:



We solicit short papers or extended abstracts of at most five pages.
There will be no formal reviewing. In particular, we welcome short
versions of recently published articles and papers submitted
elsewhere. The program committee checks relevance and may provide
additional feedback. The accepted papers will be made available
electronically before the workshop.

The page limit for papers is 5 pages in EasyChair style. Short papers
or extended abstracts must be submitted electronically through the
EasyChair system at:

EasyChair style:

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC