From: Thomas Genet <>
Dear Isabelle users,
I am trying to use some Scala code generated from an Isabelle theory and
having a problem.
This is a newbie problems (I guess) but, unfortunately, I am a newbie in
Isabelle and Scala!
Since I use the "=" on polymorphic type 'a, the scala generated classes
have to have the HOL.equal
trait. I did this using implicit conversion
function. However, I get the same error message with explicit conversions.
Any help is welcome...
Thanks in advance,
-------- Here is the Isabelle Theory---------
theory testScala
imports Main
fun member:: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool"
"member x []=False" |
"member x (y#yr) = (if x=y then True else (member x yr))"
export_code member
in Scala
-------- Here is the scala generated code----------
object HOL {
trait equal[A] {
val HOL.equal
: (A, A) => Boolean
def equal[A](a: A, b: A)(implicit A: equal[A]): Boolean =
(a, b)
def eq[A: equal](a: A, b: A): Boolean = equalA
} /* object HOL */
object testScala {
def member[A: HOL.equal](x: A, xa1: List[A]): Boolean = (x, xa1) match {
case (x, Nil) => false
case (x, y :: yr) => (if (HOL.eqA) true else memberA)
} /* object testScala */
-------- Here is the code trying to call the "member" function-----
object Main {
implicit def wrapString(s:String):StringWrapper = new StringWrapper(s)
implicit def wrapList(l: List[(String,String)]):
l match {
case Nil => Nil
case (x,y) :: xs => ((new StringWrapper(x)),y)::(wrapList(xs))
class StringWrapper(val s : String) extends HOL.equal[StringWrapper]{
def HOL.equal
(s1:StringWrapper, s2:StringWrapper):Boolean = s1==s2
val l: List[String]= "John"::"Paul"::"George"::"Ringo"::Nil
val b= testScala.member("John",l)
-------- Here is the error message ---------
error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type
val b= testScala.member("John",l)
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Hi Thomas,
those implicit values must be values (val, def), not classes.
To get an idea how they should look, I recommend to have a look at
generated Scala code which contains implicit value definitions for class
instances, e.g.
definition "foo = distinct [0, Suc 0]"
export_code foo in Scala
As I rule of thumb, I further recommend to avoid plumbing generated and
non-generated code as far as possible and doing as much as possible
within HOL. Note that it is possible to generate Scala strings using
type String.literal with constructor STR:
definition "foo = STR ''foo''"
export_code foo in Scala
Hope this helps,
From: Thomas Genet <>
Dear all Isabelle users,
If I understand well the generated code, to match my problem, I should
simply write:
object Main {
implicit def equal_nat: HOL.equal[String] = new HOL.equal[String] {
val HOL.equal
= (a: String, b: String) => a==b
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val l: List[String]= "John"::"Paul"::"George"::"Ringo"::Nil
val b= testScala.member("John",l)
Instead of all the horrible implicit conversion of classes I wrote first :-)
This solution seems to be OK.
Thanks a lot Florian,
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC