From: Denis Nikiforov <>
Could someone provide an example of denotational semantics of a simple
programing language defined via HOLCF? For example, "Denotational Sematics"
by David A. Schmidt contains very good examples. I'm trying to implement
them in HOLCF and I stuck at the begining. I've read HOLCF tutorial but
it's too brief. Brian Huffman's dissertation is too complex for me. I think
that an example of application of HOLCF to simple programming languages
from D. Schmidt's book or something like this would be very helpful for
newbies like me.
From: Peter Gammie <>
There is my PCF entry in the AFP: <>
The language is simple, but I’m not sure anything else is. :-)
Also if you dig through the HOLCF directory in the Isabelle distribution, there are some classical examples like streams and while loops.
From: Denis Nikiforov <>
Thanks for advice! I'm trying to understand your example. You can see my
simple language below.
The problem is that when I try to evaluate expressions via dval function
(see 2 last lines in the theory) I get the following error:
Wellsortedness error
(in code equation u_map ≡ Λ f. fup⋅(up oo f),
with dependency "Pure.dummy_pattern" -> "dval" -> "ValD" :: "domain" ->
"ValD" :: "predomain" -> "ValD" :: "predomain_syn" -> "liftemb [ValD]" ->
Type 'b⇩⊥ not of sort {enum,pcpo}
No type arity u :: enum
Could someone explain what's the problem?
theory Arithm4
type_synonym var = nat
type_synonym Var = var
type_synonym 'a Env = "Var → 'a"
definition env_empty :: "'a Env" where
"env_empty ≡ ⊥"
definition env_ext :: "Var → 'a → 'a Env → 'a Env" where
"env_ext ≡ Λ v x ρ v'. if v = v' then x else ρ ⋅ v'"
domain ValD = ValFF | ValTT
datatype exp = Let var ValD exp | Var var | And exp exp
type_synonym EnvD = "ValD Env"
fixrec dand :: "ValD → ValD → ValD" where
"dand ⋅ ValTT ⋅ ValTT = ValTT"
| (unchecked) "b ≠ ⊥ ⟹ dand ⋅ ValFF ⋅ b = ValFF"
| (unchecked) "a ≠ ⊥ ⟹ dand ⋅ a ⋅ ValFF = ValFF"
primrec dval :: "exp ⇒ EnvD → ValD" where
"dval (Let var val exp) = (Λ e. dval exp ⋅ (env_ext ⋅ var ⋅ val ⋅ e))"
| "dval (Var var) = (Λ e. e ⋅ var)"
| "dval (And a b) = (Λ e. dand ⋅ (dval a ⋅ e) ⋅ (dval b ⋅ e))"
value "dval (Let 1 ValFF (Let 2 ValTT (And (Var 1) (Var 2)))) ⋅ env_empty"
value "dval (Var 1)"
From: Denis Nikiforov <>
Oops, it seems that the mailing list doesn't support unicode. Here is
an ASCII version:
Thanks for advice! I'm trying to understand your example. You can see
my simple language below.
The problem is that when I try to evaluate expressions via dval
function (see 2 last lines in the theory) I get the following error:
Wellsortedness error
(in code equation u_map ≡ Λ f. fup⋅(up oo f),
with dependency "Pure.dummy_pattern" -> "dval" -> "ValD" :: "domain"
-> "ValD" :: "predomain" -> "ValD" :: "predomain_syn" -> "liftemb
[ValD]" -> "u_map"):
Type 'b⇩⊥ not of sort {enum,pcpo}
No type arity u :: enum
Could someone explain what's the problem?
theory Arithm4
type_synonym var = nat
type_synonym Var = var
type_synonym 'a Env = "Var \<rightarrow> 'a"
definition env_empty :: "'a Env" where
"env_empty \<equiv> \<bottom>"
definition env_ext :: "Var \<rightarrow> 'a \<rightarrow> 'a Env
\<rightarrow> 'a Env" where
"env_ext \<equiv> \<Lambda> v x \<rho> v'. if v = v' then x else
\<rho> \<cdot> v'"
domain ValD = ValFF | ValTT
datatype exp = Let var ValD exp | Var var | And exp exp
type_synonym EnvD = "ValD Env"
fixrec dand :: "ValD \<rightarrow> ValD \<rightarrow> ValD" where
"dand \<cdot> ValTT \<cdot> ValTT = ValTT"
| (unchecked) "b \<noteq> \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> dand \<cdot>
ValFF \<cdot> b = ValFF"
| (unchecked) "a \<noteq> \<bottom> \<Longrightarrow> dand \<cdot> a
\<cdot> ValFF = ValFF"
primrec dval :: "exp \<Rightarrow> EnvD \<rightarrow> ValD" where
"dval (Let var val exp) = (\<Lambda> e. dval exp \<cdot> (env_ext
\<cdot> var \<cdot> val \<cdot> e))"
| "dval (Var var) = (\<Lambda> e. e \<cdot> var)"
| "dval (And a b) = (\<Lambda> e. dand \<cdot> (dval a \<cdot> e)
\<cdot> (dval b \<cdot> e))"
value "dval (Let 1 ValFF (Let 2 ValTT (And (Var 1) (Var 2)))) \<cdot> env_empty"
value "dval (Var 1)"
From: Peter Gammie <>
The ‘value’ command relies on the code generator, which isn’t set up for HOLCF.
You could instead try to use the simplifier, e.g.:
lemma "dval (Let 1 ValFF (Let 2 ValTT (And (Var 1) (Var 2)))) \<cdot> env_empty = XXX"
apply simp
— <>
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC