From: "Thomas v. Campenhausen" <>
I am currently trying to get Isabelle to run on my Laptop,
however when starting, it only shows a blank window, that behaves weird upon resizing.
When starting Isabelle via „isabelle jedit_client“, the window renders, but i am greeted with a Dialog box informing me, that some Java modules (isabelle base and isabelle) didn’t load.
Does anybody know the cause or has an Idea how to fix it?
(btw, this is my first time using this list, please inform me if i broke any rules/conventions)
From: Makarius <>
On 14/11/2019 23:51, Thomas v. Campenhausen wrote:
I am currently trying to get Isabelle to run on my Laptop,
however when starting, it only shows a blank window, that behaves weird upon resizing.When starting Isabelle via „isabelle jedit_client“, the window renders, but i am greeted with a Dialog box informing me, that some Java modules (isabelle base and isabelle) didn’t load.
Can you provide a bit more context? Hardware resources (CPU, RAM),
operating system, exact Isabelle version?
(btw, this is my first time using this list, please inform me if i broke any rules/conventions)
On a new list I usually look briefly through the Mailman archive.
For isabelle-users that is even public (for non-subscribers):
From: "Thomas v. Campenhausen" <>
Von: Makarius
Gesendet: Freitag, 15. November 2019 10:22
An: Thomas v. Campenhausen;
Betreff: Re: [isabelle] Isabelle Base doesn't load
On 14/11/2019 23:51, Thomas v. Campenhausen wrote:
I am currently trying to get Isabelle to run on my Laptop,
however when starting, it only shows a blank window, that behaves weird upon resizing.When starting Isabelle via „isabelle jedit_client“, the window renders, but i am greeted with a Dialog box informing me, that some Java modules (isabelle base and isabelle) didn’t load.
Can you provide a bit more context? Hardware resources (CPU, RAM),
operating system, exact Isabelle version?
(btw, this is my first time using this list, please inform me if i broke any rules/conventions)
On a new list I usually look briefly through the Mailman archive.
For isabelle-users that is even public (for non-subscribers):
I am using Windows 10 on a i5-7300HQ core (2.5GHz) and 16 GB RAM, and am trying to run a „homebrew“ version of Isabelle, provided by my Professor.
I also tried to use the current „vanilla“ version (downloaded at of Isabelle today and that version shows me an error informing me:
Failed to create directory: "C:\Users\sthvo\.isabelle\Isabelle2019\jedit\DockableWindowManager"
even when executed with admin-rights.
From: Makarius <>
On 15/11/2019 11:00, Thomas v. Campenhausen wrote:
I am using Windows 10 on a i5-7300HQ core (2.5GHz) and 16 GB RAM, and am trying to run a „homebrew“ version of Isabelle, provided by my Professor.
Maybe I am actually the one who provided that version, see also
Isabelle/Naproche for Isabelle2019 is mostly the same distribution done
in the same way, so problems and solutions should be somehow uniform.
I also tried to use the current „vanilla“ version (downloaded at of Isabelle today and that version shows me an error informing me:
Failed to create directory: "C:\Users\sthvo\.isabelle\Isabelle2019\jedit\DockableWindowManager"
even when executed with admin-rights.
That is odd. Maybe there is some anti-malware-malware getting in the way?
You can also try to delete C:\Users\sthvo\.isabelle an run the
Isabelle.exe installer again.
From: Makarius <>
"isabelle jedit_client" only makes sense if the main application is
properly running. I guess that very few users ever use that.
More important is "isabelle jedit": it starts a fresh version and
provides more command-line options and error messages on the console.
From: Makarius <>
That is all very strange. There must be some odd file-system
configuration or "protection" that we did not understand yet.
I have Windows 10 installations with Isabelle running routinely (for me
only for testing). We also have a few high-end users on Windows, who did
not see such problems as far as I can tell.
We did see occasional oddities with mkdirs in the past, so there is a
slightly odd way to do it now via perl. Using the Cygwin-Terminal on
Windows you can try it as follows:
perl -e "use File::Path make_path;
Here is a more basic way that did not work in the past:
mkdir -p /cygdrive/c/Users/sthvo/.test/a/b/2
Here is another possibility via the Java library, to be run in the REPL
of "isabelle scala":
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC