From: "Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57 )" <>
Hi all the people here,
A light topic… I was looking for a nice Isabelle/Isar and HOL logo in TeX,
and as I could not find any existing (or did I missed it?), I tried to
create a simple one, and ended with this, simple:
\raise .2ex\hbox{%
\textit{\lower .28ex\hbox{#1}}%
If any one with artistic or typographic inspirations has comments, these
are welcome.
I wanted to use small caps for the part following the first letter, but
italic and small‑caps does not seems to be honored, at least with
TeX‑live, neither seems to be slanted small‑caps.
From: "Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57 )" <>
Forget to mention “\textsmaller” requires to “\usepackage{relsize}”.
From: Alexander Krauss <>
Note that the standard spelling of Isabelle and Isabelle/HOL in TeX is
just "Isabelle" and "Isabelle/HOL". That is, there is no specific
branding, which merely distracts the reader. This is done consistently
in all manuals and most papers.
From: Jasmin Blanchette <>
Two fine points, though:
at the beginning of your document will take care of that.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC