From: Ian Hayes <>
After I start up Isabelle and load some theories
I can no longer switch between theories by clicking
on the theory name in the theory menu.
I'm using Isabelle2016-1 on a Mac (Sierra).
I've tried reinstalling Isabelle2016-1 and
removing .isabelle/Isabelle2016-1 from my home.
The problem also seems to have ported itself
to Isabelle2016 somehow?
Are there some separate magic files for jedit that have
become corrupted?
Thanks in advance
From: Andrew Butterfield <>
Hi Ian, isabelle-users,
FWIW: it's working for me with 2016-1 on Sierra (10.12.3) just fine - I can jump to a theory with a double-click
This is on an 2014 iMac
I installed 2016-1 about a week ago.
Regards, Andrew
Andrew Butterfield
School of Computer Science & Statistics
Trinity College
Dublin 2, Ireland
From: Ian Hayes <>
Thanks Andrew,
To clarify, Isabelle2-16-1 was working fine and now has decided not to.
From: Makarius Wenzel <>
On 09/02/2017 06:09, Ian Hayes wrote:
After I start up Isabelle and load some theories
I can no longer switch between theories by clicking
on the theory name in the theory menu.I'm using Isabelle2016-1 on a Mac (Sierra).
I've tried reinstalling Isabelle2016-1 and
removing .isabelle/Isabelle2016-1 from my home.
I have now a new test machine (Mac mini Late 2014) so I can check this
first-hand on Sierra: it all looks fine after 10min of experimentation.
Are there some separate magic files for jedit that have
become corrupted?
The persistent state of the Isabelle application is normally confined to
$ISABELL_HOME (inside the .app directory) and $ISABELLE_HOME_USER
(inside $HOME/.isabelle).
My guess is that there are some general OS or desktop settings involved.
The "Theories" panel requires a double click to jump to source files.
May the global mouse configuration changed accidentally, due to other
reasons than Isabelle.
Apple might have more ways to change certain GUI behaviour, but I am
only a part-time Mac user and can't tell for sure.
From: Ian Hayes <>
Hi Makarius,
Thanks for your response.
It is definitely an Apple Magic Mouse 2 (bluetooth mouse)
interaction with Isabelle2016-1 on Mac OS X Sierra.
I also get the same issue with the old Isabelle2016.
Both used to work fine.
I only updated to Sierra on 25 Jan and the problem may have
arrived with that. I first noticed it within the last week but I may
not have been using Isabelle in the period after I upgraded to Sierra.
The problem is only double clicking file names in the theories menu.
Double clicking within the file works and highlights the selected
word as expected. Are these handled differently?
Occasionally it does work, maybe just the first time after restarting
Double clicking said mouse in my mailer works just fine
(as do all the other apps I've tried).
Confusingly, I got out my old USB mouse and double clicking
in Isabelle works as expected with it all the time,
so it is just the magic mouse.
I've tried setting the double-click duration in the mouse preferences
and it makes no difference.
In summary the problem seems to require a Magic Mouse and Sierra on a Mac.
I'm very confused by the behaviour.
From: Makarius <>
Can you try this arbitrary development snapshot of Isabelle?
The difference is that the Jan-2017 update of Java 8 is used here, and
Oracle had at least one change specifically for Sierra.
From: Ian Hayes <>
Hi Makarius,
Thanks but I get the same issue with the development version.
From: Makarius Wenzel <>
Another idea: go to "Utilities / Global Options / Appearance / Swing
look & feel" and change to "Metal" or "Nimbus", instead of the
quasi-native Apple look-and-feel that is used by default.
Restart the Isabelle application to ensure that the change is fully in
From: Ian Hayes <>
Hi Makarius,
None of those options change the symptoms.
From: Makarius Wenzel <>
I guess we need to wait for another Java update, maybe even for Java 9.
See this tracker item:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC