From: chouaffe frannck-edmond <>
Hello isabelle users,
I just want to ask if I can use a Mathml file as an input format for isabelle. I have written some mathematical proofs in Mathml, and I would like to check it within isabelle. Is it possible?
Kind regards.
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From: mahmoud abdelazim <>
i am user of Isabelle and i am trying to proof a theorem for example :
theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev(rev xs) = xs"
apply(induct_tac xs)
The steps of auto could be done using separate steps?
The steps of induct_tac could be done using separate steps?
please provide an example
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Induction cannot be broken down into smaller steps. It is a primitive concept.
Larry Paulson
From: Alfio Martini <>
Hi Mahmoud,
Yes, you can prove this theorem in a lot of detail using the proof language
Isar (see the
tutorial "Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL").
As an example, I attach a theory that shows the proof of one of the lemmas
you need to prove your theorem.
I use one of the several possible styles.
From: Andrew Boyton <>
Auto runs on both subgoals. Tracing what auto does for each shows auto used the following rules.
rev (rev []) = []
simp_thms(6): (?x = ?x) = True
rev.simps(1): rev [] = []
⋀a list. rev (rev list) = list ⟹ rev (rev (a # list)) = a # list
True_implies_equals: (True ⟹ PROP ?P) ≡ PROP ?P
simp_thms(6): (?x = ?x) = True
append_Cons: (?x # ?xs) @ ?ys = ?x # ?xs @ ?ys
append_Nil: [] @ ?ys = ?ys
rev.simps(1): rev [] = []
rev.simps(2): rev (?x # ?xs) = rev ?xs @ [?x]
rev_append: rev (?xs @ ?ys) = rev ?ys @ rev ?xs
rev_rev_ident: rev (rev ?xs) = ?xs
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC