From: Makarius <>
Dear Isabelle users,
here is another release candidate:
Notable changes wrt. Isabelle2013-1-RC2:
* Minor tuning of Isabelle/HOL library and tools.
* Minor tuning of some Isabelle/jEdit GUI aspects.
* More documentation for Isabelle/jEdit.
* More robust socket IO between Isabelle/ML and Isabelle/Scala
(relevant for Windows).
See also for the
main website where the final stage before Isabelle2013-1 is organized.
There is also a link to an issue tracker on the same Bitbucket site.
Observations from testing release candidates may be discussed here on
isabelle-users (not isabelle-dev), on the bitbucket tracker, or via
private mail.
I am on vacation from 17-Oct-2013 to 04-Nov-2013. When I return I will
pick up all loose threads on isabelle-users and the bitbucket tracker, and
head on towards the final release.
From: Jasmin Christian Blanchette <>
Hi Cornelius,
Today I observed the following: when try0 suggest auto[1] and I click
on it, it insertsapply (auto [1])', it should be
apply (auto)[1]'.
Thanks for the report. I've fixed it in the development version. However, it is not a regression, so I won't argue for the inclusion of this change in the final Isabelle2013-1 release.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC