From: Makarius <>
Dear Isabelle users,
the release of Isabelle2015 is scheduled for this spring, presumably the
end of May, or the start of June. This gives us several weeks for
thorough testing of at least 3 release candidates. To start this process
formally, Isabelle2015-RC1 is now available here:
With ever increasing size and complexity of the system and its many add-on
tools, it is important to take testing of release candidates seriously.
Problems can be solved before the release, not after it!
The main forum for discussion is here on isabelle-users, but it is also
possible to contact the person who is responsible for particular Isabelle
tools via private mail -- better than keeping potential problems private.
From: Makarius <>
Version a44a0c9e17ef of the AFP development repository is known to work with the above.
From: Gerwin Klein <>
Thanks for posting that, very good to have these checkpoints.
I will try this time to fork the AFP at roughly the same time as the main Isabelle repository. After the fork afp-devel will continue to track isabelle-devel, and afp-2015 will track Isabelle2015 release candidates.
If anyone has last-minute maintenance changes to the AFP that should go into the AFP 2015 release, please let me know.
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From: Florian Haftmann <>
Just a remark by a casual follower: there is a tendency to reply to the
original post without changing the subject to something specific.
This makes it hard to mentally distangle the different issues.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC