From: "C. Diekmann" <>
I just wanted to document an `error' I observed when testing with
Isabelle-2015. In fact, it is not an error but document in the NEWS:
Suggested fix: The NEWS file should declare this as minor INCOMPATIBILITY.
My story:
it seems like Isabelle 2015 does not automatically consider the files
in the document folder anymore.
My document folder contains: mathpartir.sty root.tex
I was building my session
$ isabelle build -v -o document=pdf -d . Session_Name
Started at Sa 23. Mai 15:16:13 CEST 2015 (polyml-5.5.2_x86-linux on xps12)
Timing Iptables_Semantics (2 threads, 150.063s elapsed time, 298.445s
cpu time, 25.342s GC time, factor 1.99)
Session_Name FAILED
(see also [...]/.isabelle/Isabelle2015-RC5/heaps/polyml-5.5.2_x86-linux/log/Session_Name)
[completely inconclusive error message here. The message looked like a
failed proof]
"$ISABELLE_TOOL" document -c -o 'pdf' -n 'document' -t ''
*** Bad file 'root.tex'
*** Document preparation failure in directory
*** Failed to build document
Session_Name CANCELLED
Both, the root.tex and mathpartir.sty were not in the
directory. When I copied both to that directory, pdflatex can build
the document without any problems.
Adding the following to the ROOT fixes everything.
My main problem was the completely inconclusive error message and that
searching the NEWS for incompatibilities did not get me to the right
From: Makarius <>
This NEWS entry is actually from Isabelle2014. The tiny "IDE" for NEWS in
Isabelle/jEdit of Isabelle2015 helps to see this historical context in
SideKick. In Isabelle2014, 'document_files' were officially required, but
the absence tolerated as a legacy feature. The general hope is that users
always eliminate legacy stuff when they see the system warning about it.
This does not work, though, when older material is ported to a much newer
Isabelle release.
Here is a newly added snipped for Isabelle2015/NEWS:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC