From: "Thiemann, Rene" <>
Dear all,
consider the following record definition:
record foo =
a :: bool
a' :: bool
It compiles with Isabelle 2016, but not with Isabelle 2016-RC3.
In the release candidate there is a name clash of internal variables
in the record construction which seem to be generated by just adding
a prime (‘):
Duplicate variables on left hand side of equation, in theorem:
equal_foo_ext_inst.equal_foo_ext ⦇a = ?a, a' = ?a', … = ?more⦈ ⦇a = ?a', a' = ?a'', … = ?more'⦈ ≡
?a = ?a' ∧ ?a' = ?a'' ∧ ?more = ?more'
Failed to define record "foo"
From: Makarius <>
Bisection leads to
The first bad revision is:
changeset: 63253:9986559617ee
parent: 63241:f59fd6cc935e
user: haftmann
date: Mon Jun 06 22:22:05 2016 +0200
summary: clear distinction between different situations concerning
strictness of code equations
It is unclear to me, what happens here. Florian needs to look at it.
From: Florian Haftmann <>
Am 27.11.2016 um 15:24 schrieb Makarius:
On 25/11/16 14:15, Thiemann, Rene wrote:
record foo =
a :: bool
a' :: boolIt compiles with Isabelle 2016, but not with Isabelle 2016-RC3.
In the release candidate there is a name clash of internal variables
in the record construction which seem to be generated by just adding
a prime (‘):Duplicate variables on left hand side of equation, in theorem:
equal_foo_ext_inst.equal_foo_ext ⦇a = ?a, a' = ?a', … = ?more⦈ ⦇a = ?a', a' = ?a'', … = ?more'⦈ ≡
?a = ?a' ∧ ?a' = ?a'' ∧ ?more = ?more'
Failed to define record "foo"
The problem is more fundamental than anticipated:
declare [[record_codegen = false]]
record foo =
a :: bool
a' :: boolthm ext_inject
⦇a = ?a, a' = ?a', … = ?more⦈ =
⦇a = ?a', a' = ?a'', … = ?more'⦈ ⟷
(?a ⟷ ?a') ∧
(?a' ⟷ ?a'') ∧ ?more = ?more'
I. e. the rule for injectiveness already carries a name clash (?'a used
for both arguments). The mentioned changeset just reports the
consecutive failure concerning code equations explicitly.
A glimpse at the code guides to line record.ML:1586 that explicitly
mentions that a a' deficiency
val inject_prop = (* FIXME local x x' *)
where the comment was added in b5d1873449fb about 5 years ago.
The code behind seems to date back to 2004.
This particularly means that such record declarations are likely to
never have worked properly – and definitely do not produce a proper
inject rule in Isabelle2016, which I have checked explicitly.
For the moment I am inclined not to risk a last minute change to that
ancient record package layer, although the resulting error message is,
admittedly, cryptic.
From: Makarius <>
Yes, we cannot do anything right now. The record package is lagging
behind many years and still awaiting proper localization.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC