From: Kristin Yvonne Rozier <>
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NASA Langley/NIA Formal Methods Team invites you to submit an abstract
and/or register to attend:
The Sixth NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop
LFM 2008
April 30 - May 2, 2008
Newport News, Virginia
Important Deadlines:
Abstract Submissions for Contributed Talks: March 1, 2008
Acceptance: March 15, 2008
Registration: April 15, 2008
Theme of Conference:
Safety critical systems represent an ever-increasing problem domain,
challenging verification techniques to catch up. Within the field of
aeronautics alone, we find the need for verification of algorithms for
separation assurance, air traffic control, auto-pilot, Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs), adaptive avionics, automated decision authority, and
much more. Recent advances in formal methods have made verifying more of
these problems realistic. Thus we need to continually re-assess what we
can solve now and identify the next barriers to overcome. Only through
an exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners from
academia to industry can we extend formal methods for the verification
of ever more challenging problem domains.
The goal of this workshop on formal methods for verification is to
examine formal verification techniques, their theory, application areas,
current capabilities, and limitations. This format is designed to
introduce researchers, graduate students, and partners in industry to
those topics that are of fundamental interest and importance, to survey
current research, and to discuss major unsolved problems and directions
for future research.
The meeting will be comprised of invited talks covering the major
research areas, and more specialized contributed talks, including
student talks. Contributed talks will consist of 30-minute research
expositions providing state-of-the-art information on recent
developments related to formal methods, and a number of 15-minute talks
on current research given by undergraduate and graduate students.
Topics of Interest:
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* advances in formal verification techniques
* formal models of distributed computing
* planning and scheduling
* automated air traffic management
* fault tolerance
* hybrid systems/hybrid automata
* embedded systems
* safety critical applications
* safety cases
* accident/safety analysis
Invited Tutorials:
* Gerard J. Holzmann (NASA JPL) - On Limits
* John Rushby (SRI) - Formal Methods and Certification
* Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University) - From Philosophical to
Industrial Logics
There are two categories of submissions:
* Regular Talks. These talks will be 30 minutes in length, including
* Student Talks. These talks will be 15 minutes in length, including
Both categories of talks will be selected from the abstracts submitted
to the LFM 2008 web site.
Location and Cost:
The workshop will take place at the Marriott Hotel, City Center at
Oyster Point, Newport News, Virginia, USA. Information on hotel block
reservations and travel are located on the LFM 2008 web site. Note that
hotel reservations at the special block rate must be made on or before
30 March 2008.
There will be no registration fee charged to participants. All
interested individuals, including non-US citizens, are welcome to
attend, to listen to the talks, and to participate in discussions.
However, all attendees must register. We especially encourage students
and other researchers possibly interested in specializing in formal
methods to attend as this will be a good opportunity to become more
knowledgeable about this area of research.
Please visit the official LFM 2008 web site for further information:
Kristin Yvonne Rozier
LFM 2008 General Chair
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Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC