From: Zhong Shao <>
[The final version of CFP for LOLA 2011 with updated information
about the invited speaker and the instructions for submission.]
LOLA 2011
Syntax and Semantics of Low Level Languages
Monday 20th June 2011, Toronto, Canada
A LICS 2011-affiliated workshop
Submission Deadline Friday 29th April 2011
Author Notification Friday 13th May 2011
Workshop Monday 20th June 2011
The submissions will be made by easychair at
Paul-André Melliès (CNRS & Université Paris Diderot)
It has been understood since the late 1960s that tools and
structures arising in mathematical logic and proof theory
can usefully be applied to the design of high level programming
languages, and to the development of reasoning principles for
such languages. Yet low level languages, such as machine code,
and the compilation of high level languages into a low level ones
have traditionally been seen as having little or no essential
connection to logic.
However, a fundamental discovery of this past decade has been
that low level languages are also governed by logical principles.
From this key observation has emerged an active and fascinating
new research area at the frontier of logic and computer science.
The practically motivated design of logics reflecting the structure
of low level languages (such as heaps, registers and code pointers)
and low level properties of programs (such as resource usage)
goes hand in hand with the some of the most advanced contemporary
researches in semantics and proof theory, including classical
realizability and forcing, double orthogonality, parametricity,
linear logic, game semantics, uniformity, categorical semantics,
explicit substitutions, abstract machines, implicit complexity
and sublinear programming.
The LOLA workshop, affiliated with LICS, will bring together
researchers interested in the various aspects of the relationship
between logic and low level languages and programs.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Typed assembly languages
- Certified assembly programming
- Certified and certifying compilation
- Proof-carrying code
- Program optimization
- Modal logic and realizability in machine code
- Realizability and double orthogonality in assembly code,
- Implicit complexity, sublinear programming and Turing machines
- Parametricity, modules and existential types
- General references, Kripke models and recursive types
- Closures and explicit substitutions
- Linear logic and separation logic
- Game semantics, abstract machines and hardware synthesis
- Monoidal and premonoidal categories, traces and effects
* Nick Benton (MSR Cambridge)
* Josh Berdine (MSR Cambridge)
* Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen, co-chair)
* Xinyu Feng (University of Science and Technology of China)
* Greg Morrisett (Harvard University)
* Xavier Rival (INRIA Roquencourt and ENS Paris)
* Zhong Shao (Yale University, co-chair)
* Nicolas Tabareau (INRIA - EMN)
* Jérôme Vouillon (CNRS)
* Noam Zeilberger (University of Paris VII)
LOLA is an informal workshop aiming at a high degree of
useful interaction amongst the participants, welcoming
proposals for talks on work in progress, overviews of larger
programmes, position presentations and short tutorials as well
as more traditional research talks describing new results.
The programme committee will select the workshop presentations
from submitted proposals, which may take the form either of
a short abstract or of a longer (published or unpublished) paper
describing completed work.
The submissions should be made by easychair at
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC