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Topic: [isabelle] LSFA 2012 - extended submission deadline

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From: Joao Marcos <>
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* Extended submission deadline ****
** June 22th, 2012 ****

LSFA 2012: Call For Papers

7th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
September 29-30, 2012

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: June 22th, 2012 (extended)
Author notification: July 14th, 2012
Camera-ready: August 5th, 2012
Conference: September 29-30, 2012

Invited speakers (confirmed)

Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations
for formal specification of systems and programming languages,
supporting tool development and reasoning.

In its seventh edition, the workshop will be at Pontificia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Previous editions
of this conference were held in Belo Horizonte (2011), Natal (2010),
Brasilia (2009), Salvador (2008), Ouro Preto (2007), Natal (2006).

The objective of this workshop is to put together theoreticians
and practitioners to promote new techniques and results, from the
theoretical side, and feedback on the implementation and the use of
such techniques and results, from the practical side.

Topics of interest to this forum include, but are not limited to:

LSFA 2012 also aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing work
in progress, and therefore to provide feedback to authors on their
preliminary research.

This year post-proceedings will be published as in previous years.
After the workshop, according to the quantity and quality of selected
papers, the authors will be invited to submit full versions of their
works that will be also reviewed to high standards.
Post-proceedings and Special Issues were already published in the
Logic Journal of IGPL, the Journal of Algorithms, ENTCS, and TCS.


Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers (with a maximum of 16 pages) or short papers (with
a maximum of 6 pages). They must be unpublished and not submitted
simultaneously for publication elsewhere. The papers should be prepared
in latex using EPTCS style. The submission should be in the form of a
PDF file uploaded to LSFA 2012 page at Easychair
until the (extended) submission deadline in June 22th, by midnight,
Central European Standard Time (GMT+1).

The workshop pre-proceedings, containing the reviewed extended
abstracts, will be handed-out at workshop registration and the
proceedings will be published as a volume of EPTCS.

After the workshop, according to the quantity and quality of selected
papers, the authors will be invited to submit full versions of their
works that will be also reviewed to high standards.

At least one of the authors should register at the conference.

The paper presentation should be in English.

Scientific Committee


Organizing Committee


Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC