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Topic: [isabelle] Last CfP: ACM SAC Software Verification track

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From: Fausto Spoto <>
Last Call for Papers

ACM 2008 Symposium on Applied Computing, March 16-20, 2008
Fortaleza, Ceara', Brazil

Technical Track on Software Verification

1. SAC 2008

For the past twenty-two years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists,
computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers
from around the world. SAC 2008 is sponsored by the ACM Special
Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) and is hosted by the
University of Fortaleza and the Federal University of Ceara', in Brazil.

2. Technical Track on Software Verification

In the next decade the software industry will have to face the
responsibilities imposed by a computer-dependent society. Since software
is increasingly deployed in safety critical applications, correctness
and reliability are becoming issues of utmost importance.
Consequently, software verification will be a grand challenge for both
academic world and computer industry.

Software verification techniques fall into three main categories: (1)
software testing, (2) formal verification
methods such as model checking and theorem proving, and (3) methods
based on static program analysis. The goal of this track is to study
the individual contribution of each of these methodologies in
verifying software artifacts, as well as promote discussion on novel
combinations of these methodologies.

This track will focus on theoretical foundations, practical methods as
well as case studies for verification of conventional and embedded
software. We welcome papers that describe work on combinations of
formal verification and program analysis techniques. Tool papers and
case studies which report on advances in verifying large software
systems are particularly sought. The list of topics includes but is
not limited to

Submission should be uploaded through the link:

Each submitted paper will be fully referenced and undergo a blind
review process. Author(s) must not be identified in the submissions,
either explicitly or by implication. Before submitting paper,
author(s) should submit a separate cover page that includes title,
abstract, list of keywords, and list of authors with full names and
postal addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail
addresses. One of the authors must be designated as the primary
contact person. Please contact the track chair for any problems with
submission. Authors of accepted papers must submit an editorial
revision of their papers that must fit within five two-column pages
following the ACM proceedings format (an extra three pages may
be available at additional cost to the authors). Please comply as
much as possible to this page limitation already at submission
time. At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register
for the conference and present the paper. Accepted papers will be
published in the ACM SAC 2008 proceedings.

4. Program Committee

Elvira Albert, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Roberto Bagnara, Universita' di Parma, Italy
David Cachera, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France
Antonio Cerone, United Nations University, Macao SAR China
Lunjin Lu, Oakland University, USA
Frederic Mesnard, Universite' de la Reunion, France
Andreas Podelski, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, Germany
German Puebla, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Tamara Rezk, INRIA-Microsoft Research, France
Jan-Georg Smaus, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, Germany
Fausto Spoto (Track Chair), Universita' di Verona, Italy
Zijiang Yang, Western Michigan University, USA

5. Important dates

Electronic submission of full papers: September 8, 2007
Notification to authors: October 16, 2007
Camera-ready copy of accepted paper due: October 30, 2007

Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC