From: Eddy Westbrook <>
How does one build a limit cardinal in Isabelle from an ascending sequence of cardinals?
For example, if I start from the types nat, nat -> bool, (nat -> bool) -> bool, etc., is it possible to create a type into which I can embed all of these types?
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
If you want to do cardinals properly, there’s always Isabelle/ZF…
Larry Paulson
From: Brian Huffman <>
This is not possible in HOL, at least not without adding new axioms.
The standard set-theoretic model for HOL maps everything into the Von
Neumann universe V_{\omega + \omega}, which does not contain any sets
with cardinalities as big as the one you are trying to construct.
From: Eddy Westbrook <>
Ah, ok, this makes sense. Thanks for your response.
From: Andrei Popescu <>
Hi Eddy,
I don't think you can do such a construction in HOL, otherwise you would be able to use it for giving (in HOL) a model-theoretic proof of HOL's consistency.
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Set theory version here:
From: Andrei Popescu <>
Set theory version here:
We also formalized some bits and pieces of cardinal theory in Isabelle/HOL:
No limit cardinals in our formalization, of course. Just like in Larry's paper 18 years earlier, our main motivation was the construction of more flexible (co)datatypes.
Of a different flavor is Brian's prior formalization of a rich theory of countable ordinals in Isabelle/HOL:
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC